Fever and nausea for 10 days-help!!

I am 6 wks. post op open rny. I have had a fever of 101-102 and unrelenting nausea for the past 10 days. I have had lab work-everything's fine except for potassium 3.4(3.5-5.0 is normal). No elevated white blood cells. I had a CAT scan of my abdomen which shows no problems either(no abscess). My surgeon put me on an antibiotic but doesn't know why I have the temp. I can keep liquids down, and a few bites of cottage cheese or yogurt. Otherwise, the nausea is debilitating. Any ideas as to what this could be or has anyone experienced similar symptoms. Any responses would be greatly appreciated as I am truly miserable.    — Brenda H. (posted on June 16, 2001)

June 20, 2001
Did you have an endoscopy? I experienced what you just mentioned at 3 weeks post op and it lasted for 2 weeks. In fact, I was just released from the hospital today. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. The endoscopy showed that my opening needed to be enlarged quite a bit. I was also put on antibiotics and that seems to have made all the difference. I hope this helps. I would call your surgeon IMMEDIATELY!!!
   — Mary B.

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