Anyone out there that can possibly give me a suggestion for protein? I have tried

numerous shake brands,(nectar, champion whey stack, proscore, isopure, etc) and I cant stomach any of them. I think it has something to do with the whey in them??? I have so many bottles that I tried and all just barely used. Have tried to mix them with water or skim milk, or in the blender or with the lo-cal syrups or fruit (bananas) but still no luck. I am about 5 months out (and 73lbs down--yeah!) and am trying to get my protein thru the foods I eat (dairy, chicken, seafood etc) but I think I need a protein source that I can take daily that I can count on. This may sound silly, but are there any pills out there I can take? I do well taking my iron, calcium and vitamins, so one more wont hurt. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.    — Julie M. (posted on February 1, 2005)

January 31, 2005
I'm also about 5 months out. I've had a lot of hard time with protein also. I can't stand the powder either, I buy the premixed ones and do okay, but my friend who is one month out says their are protein shots that have 50 grams and you can order them at gnc. I'm going in search. Well lots of luck. by the way there is no pill, I've looked
   — Jenn M.

February 1, 2005
I am 16 months out and at goal, feeling great, blood work is good and i have never had a protein drink yet. I get my protein from tuna, salmon, skim milk (24 oz.) a day. yougurt, eggs, meat etc. In other words I eat my protein instead of drinking it..Just saying what works for me. Best of luck to you.
   — Kathy S.

February 1, 2005
Have you tried adding flavorless protein powder to your food? Do you keep a food diary? I am sure that you are probably getting enough protein in your diet and you just don't realize it. LOL!
   — MagickalMom

February 1, 2005
Julie, I see you have tryed lots, including Isopure, did you buy the powdered brand I buy the Isopure luquid already made up in bottles its the grape frost, it tastes just like grape Kool-Aide and its acually pretty good also has 42 grams of protein in it. Try that brand of Isopure, I no thoses lousey powders are awful, dont do them at ALL. Well good Luck and give the Pre-made stuff a try. Christine
   — blainejrjeni

February 1, 2005
Julie, there are protein tablets that have about 1 - 2 grams of protein in them. I know, that's not very much. Trust me I am in the same perdicament. I am 6 weeks out and have tried almost everyting I can get my hands on. I am looking now at Isopure (where I can get this, I have no idea!) but we'll see. I am trying to eat as much protein as possible too, yet I know that I am short. Good luck! Email me if you find any more information out. I'll let you know what I find! Krysti McCord
   — Krysti M.

February 1, 2005
Hi, you might want to try the protein bars. I also have tried the yogurt drinks. They are all a matter of preference. I have lots of protein powder at home too. Try cashew butter as an alternative to peanut. I also eat alot of tuna salad. See what other success stories have to say. I've found a number of tips from Susan Leachs' book.
   — Alisa H.

February 1, 2005
Labrada proplete gold powder is pretty good. Lots of flavors. I mix it with the hood low carb milk.
   — Randy W.

February 1, 2005
I would also suggest the Isopure drinks. They come in 20 oz glass bottles, look like koolaid and have like 40 grams of protein in them. I lived on those as an early post-op not being able to stomach the protein foods or the shakes. I would cut it in half with water, pour over ice and sip all day long. Grape Frost was a favorite, they also have an orange, an apple, a rasberry..I would buy them at my local Vitamin Shoppes (in Virginia) but go on line, may be able to find thru GNC or other health food stores.
   — Cindy R.

February 1, 2005
I would also suggest the Isopure drinks. They come in 20 oz glass bottles, look like koolaid and have like 40 grams of protein in them. I lived on those as an early post-op not being able to stomach the protein foods or the shakes. I would cut it in half with water, pour over ice and sip all day long. Grape Frost was a favorite, they also have an orange, an apple, a rasberry..I would buy them at my local Vitamin Shoppes (in Virginia) but go on line, may be able to find thru GNC or other health food stores.
   — Cindy R.

February 1, 2005
Cottage and ricotta cheese are great sources of protein, chili also, especially chili made from turkey...tuna, shrimp, crab meat, peanut butter...had a brain cramp and can't think of any more.. :) I eat cottage cheese every morning for breakfast. I quit doing shakes early on so I wouldn't soley depend on them for my protein. Works for me but I know others need more.
   — Patty.W

February 1, 2005
If you like chocolate milk, try the HOOD chocolate milk over ice. Sold at most grocery stores in a brown 2qt carton. It is almost too good. Also the EAS Advant Edge premade shakes you can buy at wal-mart, etc. They are silver and come in a 4 or 6 pack. Both of the chocolates are very good cold. Good luck!
   — jacyndaearl

February 1, 2005
Hi Julie, I have been using GNC's Pro Performance liquid protein. It has 18g/3tbsp. I take spoon fulls throughout the day and I find it much easier since it is such a small amount to drink. It is punch flavored, but it is rather strong. I am sure one could mix it with water, but I prefer the spoon method. I hope this helps. Amber
   — septembergirl73

February 1, 2005
Hi Julie, My doctor recommends that after you are out over 6 weeks, to wean yourself off of the protien shakes and begin to eat the protien that you need in food. I do keep protien bars around for days when I am so busy that I am endanger of missing a meal. I use the Premier from COSTCO. There are 30g. of protien in them and they taste pretty good. There are others out there that you can check, just compare the protien, carbs, and calories. That might be an answer for you if you feel like you are not getting enough protien. Good Luck, Judy
   — jk_harris

February 2, 2005 for info on some great high protein supplements. I was like you, couldn't stomach them, either made me sick or gag. I found one that's super high in protein (35g/can)and have protein bars (22g)and meal replacement bars (16g) that taste great. [email protected]
   — boonikki29

February 3, 2005
I use ProStat 64. You need to go to the site online. It is liquid. I drink two tablespoons staight, for 15 grams of protein, and sixty calories and no sugar. Cherry taste, not bad. It is $30 for a big bottle. If you buy online you have to spend $60, but if you use their 800 number can buy just one. The site has lots of good stuff.
   — lindarodham6

February 8, 2005
Julie, I have tried many of the different protein "shakes". I don't like milk so even the unflavored powders sorta taste like milk to me. I came across EAS precision protein. It has 42 grams of protein in it and the fruit punch flavor sorta tastes like cherry juice. I have tried GNC precision protein and it wasn't bad, but it wasn't something I would seek out either. The EAS stuff is expensive and I went to their web site and the only way they want to sell it is in a bundle with other things that I am not going to buy or eat. So the best place to find it is at GNC. Some Rite Aids have GNC inside them, but I don't know if they carry the EAS Precision Protein. Try it cold and be sure to only drink half of the bottle each hour so that your body will absorb the protein in it. Good luck and God Bless. Debbie
   — imdebbie

January 21, 2006
I am now 5 mo. post-op and I also tried some of the protein drinks that people reccomended here but found they tasted "fake". After awhile I couldn't stand them anymore. What has worked well for me for quite awhile now has been this: Carnation Instant Breakfast Carb Conscious 8 oz milk 2 ice cubes Any Whey Tasteless Protein Powder (GNC) I mix it up in my magic bullet blender. It takes so much better to me than those marketed protein shakes and delivers 30 grams of protein total. I also really like the fact that you can buy the variety packs - so you can pick from 4 different flavors depending on your mood of the moment! There is vanilla, strawberry and two kinds of chocolate. Hope this helps!
   — KDFJones

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