Is anyone Taking Cymbalta and Phentermine together?

I need to loose the extra 40-50lbs i have and am taking Phentermine to try and do so. Is anyone else on either one? Cymbalta is a new antidepressant and Phentermine of course the diet pill. I feel ok except i get a headache and the jitters. I am not getting hungry though and it gives me an energy boost. Has anyone had a bad reaction to these meds? Any feedback would be great. Thanks!!    — roxxyblue72 (posted on October 12, 2004)

October 22, 2004
I do not take both but I had that same type of reaction to cymbalta
   — voncami

September 12, 2007
Hi Roxanne- I came across your old post and was wondering how taking both cymbalta and phertermone worked for you? How was your success? And what were your side effects? short and long term? Thanks!!
   — abrsh

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