Can I still have surgery?

Went for stress test for surgical clearance and was so proud because I was able to walk the treadmill which I hadn't been able to do for the last one. So I thought everything was great. Well went in for follow-up visit and the Dr says that I only have about 55% of my heart working. He thinks there might be a blockage on the left side. Sending me to cardiovascular surgeon for angioplasty or stent. I am sorry worried because I am afraid that now I will never be able to have this surgery. I feel that if I don't have this surgery I am going to die any way. Can anyone give me any information that they have. Thank you for reading this. I know that it is long but it very appreciated.    — strmybreeze (posted on May 13, 2004)

May 13, 2004
You are very lucky to have the opportunity to go to a cardiologist and get your blockage taken care of. I had a heart attack four years ago (three stents). Before I could have this surgery I had three heart tests and a heart cath for clearance. I was cleared for surgery and also knew that my heart was in good shape. Don't worry, you will be cleared.
   — Sara H.

May 13, 2004
Don't worry. Just do as the doctor recommends. I had to have a stent put in, too. I am (as of yesterday) six months post-op. I am so glad to have found out about my heart blockage. I believe that if I hadn't tried for the tool, I might have had a heart attack or stroke. Now, I am down almost 100 pounds, and actually HAVE a future. Take good care of yourself, and just follow your doctors recommendations. Best of luck...Barbara
   — StarWish624

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