Can you have a Tummy Tuck and be 8months post-op?

   — PAULAD (posted on April 17, 2004)

April 17, 2004
i had mine at just under 9 months- i was at goal and am thrilled with the results- good luck- open rny 6/2/03 236/125 at goal
   — Jannie N.

April 17, 2004
Depends where in the process you are and your reason for needing it then. Even if you are a long way from goal but have a huge panni to remove that is impeding your progress and exercise they may agree to take that off. Unless you are close to goal weight I would not to a TT now. I had a lower body lift done at 12+ months and went into surgery 17 lbs from goal. Came out of surgery 2 lbs under goal as they removed almost 19 lbs of skin. I did not wait till my weight was stabilized for months etc, as I preferred to get it gone and on with my life. I'm not worried if I end up with a small amount of loose skin. The surgeon said I'd have to lose significantly more 25-50 lbs before the skin would be an issue. So talk with a PS and see what they say. Some won't do it till you have stabilized. Mine would but made me aware of the possible issues. A risk I was more than willing to take to not have to go through the summer with all the sweaty skin.
   — zoedogcbr

April 18, 2004
I was 8 months post-op and had been at goal for 2 months and maintaining when I had my lower body lift. I only had 110 lbs to lose and it came off quickly the 1st 6 months. My weight remains stable and I'm 3 weeks post-op breast lift and arm lift. As Chris said, it just depends on where you are in the journey.
   — Vicki S.

April 18, 2004
I agree that it depends (no answer fits everyone). I would like to urge that you consider waiting to let your wait stabilize, and let your skin tighten up a bit, before having plastics, unless you've really got a screaming rash or other medical issue that can't wait. My skin looks very, very different now at almost 2 years post-op than it did at a year post-op, and I reached goal at less than nine months out. I'm very glad I waited awhile, even though I can't claim it was entirely intentional, before making my decision on plastics.
   — Suzy C.

April 18, 2004
I'm having a TT on 4/28 and can't wait. I''ve had these aweful rashes for 9 years. I had a breast reduction/lift when I was 9 months post op from Lap RNY. I was at goal and lost 111 pounds. I'm 14 months post op and maintaining goal weight, in fact I'm 1 pound under. But, I exercise 7 days a week. My plastic surgeon will not touch you, unless you are at goal. Just wished I had gotten the rash under the tummy when i had it approved for the breast. Could have had both done at the same time. (((HUGS)))
   — Hazel S.

April 18, 2004
I had mine at 9 months post-op and was thrilled with the results.
   — Patty H.

April 19, 2004
I think it is more of an issue as to how much more weight you have to lose rather than the time involved. If you have less than 50# to go to goal, then I don't think it would make that much of a difference but over 50# may. Also it depends on your particluar body shape so it is an individual thing.
   — Carolyn G.

April 20, 2004
The time frame is really the last thing I worry about. I look at the original BMI, number of pounds from goal, nutritional (mainly protein) status, and then there is the insurance issues...which can take months to sort out! Whether the person is 8 months or 2 years doesn't matter, if they are a "green light" in those categories and are emotionally prepared and well-informed, they are a "go."
   — DrL

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