Has anyone ever developed type II diabetes after having wls.

I am almost two years post-op and I was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I haven't started on medication yet because my PCP doesnt feel comfortable starting me on it because my sugar levels are all over the place ranging from the 40's to above 200. They are never consistant. I have an appointment at the diabetic clinic on March 22, 2004 I will know more than. I just havent heard of this happening before.    — michelle B. (posted on March 10, 2004)

March 10, 2004
Although, he hasn't had WLS, I can tell you that the same thing is happening to my Dad. He has to monitor his blood sugar everyday (sticks his finger). And he is consitantly all over the place (40-200). They haven't put him on any meds either, just watching him for now. I guess what I'm saying is, this may not having anything to do with WLS. You just may be one of the unlucky few. Does it run in your family? I doubt I've helped you any. Just please get a second opinion before they try and put you on anything. Good luck. Kerry
   — pilotswife

March 10, 2004
Try eating small meals on a regular basis with low sugar carbs and see if that helps. Whatever you do dont eat dumping food and check your sugar. Dumping is by nature the wild blood sugar swing after eating high fat sugar foods.
   — bob-haller

March 10, 2004
Michelle, I know of several RNY post-ops who are a couple of years out who have developed diabetes. It's not an everday occurance, however. Are you keeping a food journal at or the like? That really helped me before my DS and when I was a severe diabetic. It really helped me to make wise choices about types of carbs, calories, etc. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

March 10, 2004
I am diabetic. I was diagnosed type II ten years before I had WLS and it was the main reason I needed to have WLS. I was up to taking 4 shots of insulin a day and in the process also gained extra weight a whopping 70 lbs more than what I usually weighed. After WLS my sugar levels came down slowly to the point where I didn't even need oral meds. Now at 2 years post op they are going back up again. I no partially it is because I do allow some sugar in my diet. But it is not an every day thing. I have been stalling talking to my dr about this but it really has me depressed. Mine also seem to go all over the place but I am getting more higher readings than lower ones. Did you have the A1C test done? That is the true test of how your blood sugars have ranged over the past few months. Good luck to you.
   — SARose61

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