Bayer's response to the

   — John T. (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
What was Bayer responding to? What was the question? I can't find any previous post(s) that give me a clue. Thanks. Tom
   — Tom Barton

August 1, 2003
Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing. lol
   — Danmark

August 1, 2003
There was a ?? posted about the Flintstone Chewables "New and Improved" formula, which consisted of a decrease in some of the vitamins and minerals. The original poster sent in an email asking how this was new and improved. This is question #259 (Warning was the topic).
   — Missy C.

August 1, 2003
Hi. I read the warning about the new and improved flintstones vitamins. I didn't even think about asking them why it was changed. It's nice that someone got an answer. Maybe we could ask them if they can start making adult flintstone vitamins. :)
   — AmyWollet

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