wondering about alot..!!

I have a few questions I have been wondering about, any answers would be greatly appreicated. 1. although my employers insurance does not cover WLS, are they still obligated to pay the medical leave pay once I do have surgery and am off? 2. in different stages of eating, on an average how much does one spend on food, vitamines, protein shakes, bars and other needed items. 3. has anyone else ever heard of a P.S. in i believe Alabama who offer really cheap to free TT as long as you have lost 100 and agree to donate the skin to thier burn unit? 4. what types of food will slow down the weight loss? 5. if staying away from carbs and sugars, what type of fruits an you eat? thanks alot..    — kelkel319 (posted on July 24, 2003)

July 24, 2003
In answer to (3), the "donate to the burn unit" thing is an urban legend; nobody accepts donations of skin from living donors (and certainly not stretched out skin) in lieu of payment for plastics.
   — Suzy C.

July 24, 2003
Here is my best shot at your questions. 1) If you have short-term disability insurance through your employer and you provide documentation that you will be unable to work for a medical reason, they should pay regardless of how their health insurance treats WLS. If you do not have short-term disability insurance, they still may be required to give you the time off under FMLA (depending on how big they are), but they are not required to pay you. You should discuss this with your HR department. You don’t have to tell them what type of surgery you are having. 2) I haven’t really kept track of these costs. I have no problem eating my protein, so I the only “extra” expense I have are vitamins. I’d say around $30 per month. 3) No one gives less expensive plastic surgery for donated skin. Sorry. 4) Starchy, high carb foods like breads, pasta, rice and potatoes slow down weight loss for most people. So do drinks with calories like soda and fruit juice. Also for those who do not dump, all of the obvious high-calorie, high-sugar foods like cake, cookies and ice cream slow weight loss down. 5) I dump really easily, so I don’t eat fruit. Others have less trouble with it.
   — Amber L.

July 24, 2003
Kelly, I can't address the employer issue. However, no burn center will accept skin from tummy tucks and no doctors give discouts for donated skin. Foods that slow down weight loss: candy (even sugar free), cake, cookies (also sugar free), pasta, bread, crackers, rice, potatoes, - in other words starchey foods, chips, etc. You need the carbs from fruits and vegetables - not the carbs from breads, etc. You can eat fruit and drink fruit juices - just not as much. My surgeon suggests that 80% of our calories should be protein - the rest fruit and veggies. He even suggests Frosted Miniwheats for fiber - says there's not enough sugar to hurt.
   — Patty_Butler

July 24, 2003
For the fruit question, I follow the Atkins guidelines which suggest strawberries, blueberries, watermelon and canteloupe since they have the least impact on your blood sugar levels. You can eat other fruit but in moderation.
   — Yolanda J.

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