Has anyone experienced increased PMS after surgery?

I have never been one to have the "standard" PMS... with my period... No cramps...only lower backache... No PMS, No mood swings, no water or weight gain... Now I am three months post op, and I have all the classic signs of pms. I am tired, moody for no reason, retaining water, and feeling bloated and rather blue. This only occurs about 4-5 days prior to my period. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this normal? How do u get away from the fatigue and the moodiness?    — keishax (posted on June 20, 2003)

June 20, 2003
Hormones are stored in fat, so when you start losing rapidly, those hormones get dumped into your system in much larger than usual quantities. This will probably ease off once you get a little further out.
   — garw

June 20, 2003
OMG Yes! I always had PMS with my period, some months more than others, but this has really been a humdinger! My first post op period was not bad, because I was still concentrating on healing so it sort of masked everything. I'm approaching my second one and it's due next friday. I've wanted to do nothing but cry for two days, my bra is tight and and I feel like a beached whale even though I've lost 37 pounds in 5 weeks.
   — Happy I.

June 20, 2003
oh my lord - YES! My husband can tell now when I'm getting ready to start...I get VERY emotional, and I am not by nature an extremely emotional person. Sucks!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 20, 2003
I get mine 2weeks yes 2 weeks before. It usually starts with really bad breast tenderness, and gas--by the last week I have water retention and moodiness. I am only safe 2 weeks a month!!!!! But with me having PCOS it is like clock work since my surgery and weight loss. Before then it was every 3 or 4 months...Open RNY3/27/03 -63lbs
   — Monique W.

June 20, 2003
Oh yeah girl. I never had PMS before. And my period was very irregular (once every 4 months or so). Got my period 2 days after surgery and it has been like clockwork ever since. I am very emotional a few days before and just refused to accept that it was PMS. Now I just say screw it and keep Premysin PMS in my purse. I only take one though. Gets rid of the cramps.
   — Kimberly L.

June 20, 2003
I'm 'almost' the opposite. I used to have moderate to full out miserable PMS and it seemed to get worse for the first few months after surgery, but cycle four was better and right now, at cycle five, I can't beleive it crept up on me so breast tenderness, no back, hip and leg pains, no cramping...just a bit 'short' with the kids (of course we have been cooped up in the house all week with the chicken pox, which can't help any). Like the previous poster said, maybe up the water and give yourself a break when at all possible.
   — eaamc

June 20, 2003
Keisha...yes!!! Since the surgery, the PMS has been intense with all the classic emotional stuff. You know where you either want to cry or kill someone and it can change in a heartbeat. What has gotten much better for me is that the intense cramps are gone. I used to have to take serious painkillers just to cope. I have had 3 months of pain-free periods except the emotional component is extreme. I also have plateaued each month during my period so now I know to expect that and don't freak out. The only thing that I have found that helps with the PMS is to stay physical. Even though I am tired, I make myself go to Curves and exercise. It makes a difference in my energy level and moodiness. I hope this helps some. I wish you the best. You can feel free to email if you ever need a "PMS buddy". Keisha you are not alone. ([email protected])
   — Ann B.

June 21, 2003
Um, yeah...ever since surgery I get my period now every 21 days, whereas it was every 28 days like clockwork before. Yuck! And the PMS is raging, especially with the urge to overeat salt/sweets. I have more pain, cramps, headaches, bloating, depression, and b*tchiness than EVER now, and it's compounded by my period coming every 3 weeks instead of 4. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 21, 2003
Sorry, I am 10 months out and it isn't any better. I get terrible pms. I hate the world and everybody for being in it. Haha..I am assuming its the hormonal rage thats going on inside my body. I get hateful, have water retention, bloating, pain, everything..But you know what? Thats ok, because I would trade the way I look and feel now for anything in the world..Its worth it all!! Good luck all you early post-ops..Its a wonderful life in front of you!!
   — Sharon1964

June 21, 2003
As I am sure most of you already figured out, I meant would not trade how I look and feel now......Haha...Weight loss doesn't help your spelling a bit!!
   — Sharon1964

June 21, 2003
keisha, i'm so glad you asked this question. i'm about 7 weeks post op and last week i was pms'ing and was unbelievably moody. no real physical symptoms, but emotionally i was a mess. my poor husband didn't know what had hit him, and even though i told him it was pms, because he's not used to seeing me so bitchy, i think he wasn't entirely convinced by that explanation. i think i'll show him these posts so he can see that (a) i'm not crazy and (b) it really was pms!
   — carolsaunders

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