Hair failing out!!!!! Help

My hair is starting to fall out. Is there anything I can do to stop it? I though about getting a perm but scared the chemicals would really mess it up. Does anyone have a suggestion.    — Lisa A. (posted on February 19, 2003)

February 19, 2003
Hi Lisa, I started losing my hair around 6 months post op and continued losing it until around 8 months. I was freaked out the first month but after talking to people here, I just decided to relax since it's a normal occurance with WLS. I promise it will stop falling out and it will grow back. I have new hair growth that I can see especailly in my bang area. I honestly feel there isn't anything we can do about it but I know others feel there are things you can do (chemical, more protein, vitamins, etc..) I've come to the conclusion that you will either have hair loss or you won't, however, I don't think a perm is a good idea at this time. Enjoy your weight loss and know the hair loss is only temporary. Lap-Rny 5/9/02 -110 lbs!
   — Lynn E.

February 19, 2003
I am at 6 1/2 months and my hair is still falling out. I wash my hair with the Nioxin products, take all my vitamins, 90+ grams of protein, biotin .... the list goes on. I am doing EVERYTHING I am supposed to be doing and it is still falling out (since 2 1/2 months). I figure that I have lost almost half of my hair. The good news..... I got a short cut and now you can hardly tell. I think some people lose none, some lose a little and some lose alot. There's really no way to tell which group you're in until it happens. I do know that it WILL grow back, and if it comes to having to buy a wig, well I'll be the hot looking chick wearing a wig, I guess. LOL! I do have days when I get really upset over it and then my hubby always cheers me up. I notice it more than anyone else. I'm not sure about a perm, I don't have one, but I have highlighted my hair and haven't had any extra problems do to that.
   — Dana B.

February 19, 2003
I know that I freaked out when my hair starting falling out - it was almost 4 most post-op when it started and I think it has finally slowed down - I am 6-1/2 months now. It doesn't sound like there is anything that is sure to stop it from happening. Everyone is so different - but I know many people have tried the hair/nail vitamins. I was lucky because I had thick hair to begin with. I did have a perm and color just when it started to fall out - it didn't hurt my hair at all. My stylist said that it would not promote the hair loss. Good luck and keep up the good work!!!
   — Sharon O.

February 19, 2003
Lisa - I haven't had WLS yet and have not experienced hair loss due to WLS. However, I have had cancer and have experienced hair loss due to chemotherapy. During this time, I decided that I was not about my hair and that hair was the least of my worries. I think you should focus on the proper diet and buy some great scarves and hats. That is what I did....I also learned what it was like for guys all these years -- the convenience of having little or no hair! Get in the shower, take 2 seconds to wash your head or scalp - dry it off with a towel and go! It took 45 minutes off of my day of drying and curling and combing and spraying, etc., etc. Also, if you travel any, you learn you have 1/2 a suitcase to carry extra clothes, books, etc., because you don't have to worry about a dryer, curlers, curling iron, hair spray, etc. It's all in how you look at it. I had always worn my hair at shoulder length or longer and then had it shaved when it started coming out after my first chemo. It has now all grown back, is naturally curly and I am deliberately keeping it very short because I got so used to the ease of not having to take care of it. You will survive this period - make it fun with hats and scarves and you'll see how quickly the time flies before it starts coming back.
   — Debbie B.

February 19, 2003
Okay, no matter what you do, it WILL fall out. Its part of the process. No amount of 'special' shampoo, protien, etc will help it. You won't go bald if that is what your thinking. Its just a stage we have to go thru. Some have it worse than others. I'm a licensed stylist so I say, go ahead with the perm. Its not the chemicals that will make your hair fall out, its in the roll up and how the bands are placed on the hair. Also, I don't know how far out you are but EVERYTHING comes out thru your hair and nails. Anesthesia can remain in the hairshaft for up to 6-12 months and could affect how the perm takes or lasts.
   — Kris T.

February 19, 2003
My case was exactly like Lynn's. My hair started falling out at 6 months and stopped a few weeks ago (8months post-op). Despite eating atleast 70 grams of protein a day, it still fell out. I'm lucky, I do have thick hair, but I did lost ALOT of hair. The plus- it WILL stop and does grow back. I have all those little baby hairs again, so it's growing back now. I know there are shampoos, I personally never tried them, cuz I knew it'd grow back. One thing I did was not wash my hair everyday, don't know if it helped or not, but anytime I washed it I had a tub full of hair. I know it's frustrating, but it will stop shortly and grow back. goodluck to u!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 19, 2003
Oh wow, Lisa. My hair is falling out BIG TIME! It's horrible when I wash it and it clogs my drain. I am just a little over 3 1/2 months post op. Everyone says how SKINNY my face looks. Yeah, it would with NO hair. ;) Actually, most people don't notice. I sure do. It's so fine and so thinned out. It will grow back. I color my hair and have had two colors since my surgery. Did not hurt my hair at all. I would like a perm, but I am a bit concerned. I do think we still have some of the affects of the the anesthesia in our systems. Small price to pay, really. Good luck to you. :)
   — Ginger M.

February 19, 2003
I have been worried about hairloss too. I spoke to my nurse practitioner and she had just read a study about the very subject. She said it can be an iron deficiency so I upped the iron intake---no loss yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed =)Good luck, Mona RNY lap 11-8-02
   — Mona R.

February 19, 2003
hi go to a vitamin storeif you have a GNC by you gothere and get there vitamins for skin nails and hair take two a day and it will work wonders. the same thing happen with me after 3 mos of not loosing hair it started so i am taking those and it has stoped good luck write if you would like

February 21, 2003
I am 13months post op and -172lbs, around the 7th month my hair got very very thin.. I went to GNC and started on pro-blend 55...tastes great- 1 shake a day and with in the month you will notice a HUGE difference Good Luck!
   — robin P.

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