I came home from my surgery full of energy, now three weeks later I am so depressed.

It is like I am experiencing some anti climatic event such as Christmas. So much anticipation and excitement.....and now a let down. Is this normal    — Cynthia N. (posted on January 1, 2003)

January 1, 2003
Cynthia, it's completely normal. It's kind of like post partum depression. Your hormones are sooooo out of wack from fast weightloss and also from MAJOR surgery and the shock on your body. Give it time, you'll be o.k. soon. If you get really depressed, talk to your doctor and get on antidepressants. Some post-ops need the extra help at first. Congrats and hugs to you. It gets better.
   — Cinna G.

January 1, 2003
Cynthia: This happened with BOTH my surgeries. It was like I was on a real energy high and then hit a slump at 3 weeks post-op. My energy level just decreased, I felt tender and out of it. It lasted for about 1-2 weeks and then I got my energy level back. :) All the best, Teresa (lap DS January 25, 2001; Emergency open hernia repair/resection/BPD-DS revision/appendectomy - THE WORKS, preop: 307 lbs/bmi 45 (5'10") now: 138 lbs/bmi 20)
   — Teresa N.

January 1, 2003
hi there :) just wanted to let ya know that what you are going through is so very normal. your body has just gone through something major and your hormones are wacky. anestetics can mess with you as well. in time you will feel yourself getting back to normal,hang in there! :)
   — carrie M.

January 1, 2003
Cynthia you are experiencing emotions that are normal to a lot of us. I have to admit that I DID NOT come home from surgery full of energy. The first few weeks were pure hell. I had Open RNY (11/11/02) and my gallbladder removed. I was in enough pain to last me a lifetime. I know everyone told me it gets easier with each day so I held on to that hope. I thought it was getting easier. Then on 11/30 I went to a family get together with all of my brothers & sisters (significant others & children). At that point I had barely eaten more than a liquid diet. Well, at this get together it was a huge feast. My brother's girlfriend is Greek and was raised on very rich foods. So they had appetizers and then an Italian full course meal. After that they had turkey, stuffing, the WORKS. Following that they had dessert. After dessert was more and more and more. It NEVER stopped. I had a very small piece of turkey and diluted apple juice. That whole day I had been feeling a little sick to my stomach and extremely tired. I felt like pure crap. I'd have to say that was my hardest day since surgery. I wanted to lay down in the fetal position and cry. And I did. I went to my brother's soon to be step daughter's bedroom to lay down in her bed and I cried and I cried and I cried! Not because of the food though. I wasn't hungry or anything like that. But that day I truly regretted having surgery. To this day I haven't been thankful for the surgery. I know one day I will be but I haven't come to that day yet. I don't regret having it (except for that one day) though. I never had children but it almost reminds me of the baby blues that people talk about. After almost a month I went back to college. I was busy busy busy for a few weeks trying to catch up on my work and then preparing for finals. The day after my last final I went back to work full time. And now I don't have the time to be depressed. Going back to work was the best thing I could have done. It has really made all the difference in the world for me. Maybe you have too much TIME on your hands to think about things. I bet if you busy yourself with a few things it won't seem so bad. If you need someone to talk to feel free to drop me an email. :o)
   — Tracy A.

January 1, 2003
Hi. I am 5 weeks post-op and I wonder if I did the right thing some days. I'm so depressed right now. I totally feel the way you do. I was so excited to be getting this done and now that I have done it, it's what? What was the big deal. Everyone keeps telling me the big deal will come after a few months. I have lost 42 pounds so far, but because I started at 350, I really can't see the difference so that gets you depressed too. The 42 pounds just don't impress me at this point. Everyone says wow 42 pounds in 5 weeks....GREAT! I'm like....WHATEVER. LOL So for everyone who says it will get better you all better be right or I'm coming after all of you. LOL Good Luck. :)
   — NikkiCarter

January 2, 2003
It is totally normal to feel some depression post-op. This can be caused by the anesthesia, the changes you have decided to make, or anything. The depression can last from 2-6 weeks and is totally normal. During this time take care yourself; pamper yourself and do things that make you feel better. You are totally normal, although I know it does not feel good to be down in the dumps.
   — twenc

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