How Much Is Too Much To Eat?

today i made an english muffin with one egg a slice of lunch meat and a slice of cheese, i ate every thing except half the bread. im 9 weeks out is this to much?    — lisa N. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
It would have been fine for me. Funny, though, that I no longer like breads/pastas unless they're toasted or crunchy! I used to LOVE soft rolls!
   — jen41766

December 17, 2002
It would have been too much for me, but we are all different in the quantities that we eat especially if we have different sized pouches, which most of us do. How long did it take you to eat it all? If you ate it in 15-20 minutes you are OK. If you ate it over an hour long period then it is too much.
   — Cindy R.

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