Tummy Tuck Questions- Vertical Incisions

My question is has anyone here had a tummy tuck done with vertical lines (up and down) only? A few years before my Open RNY I had a tummy tuck done, so now that I've lost weight my belly isn't too bad. I don't think I need to be cut horizontally again. However, I have a large hernia (under my breast, above my navel). In this area I definitely have more excess skin than my lower abdomen area. My doc states he can repair the hernia, and cut vertially on the right and left, remove the excess skin, pull it all in tightly together. This sounds great to me, but I have read many posts here and no one has mentioned having a tuck done in such a manner. If you have, please respond letting me know how you like the results, and how was experience with pain and healing. I'm thinking this will be much easier than the regular tuck.    — Cynthia F. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
Mine is done with both. Vertical sucked in the abdomen, the "W" horizontal knocked off the "bag". I can send you some pix, if you'd like. They were taken 4 yrs after the TT, but you can get the idea.
   — vitalady

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