How can I still feel full after eating more than 14 hours ago?

I went to dinner last night (7pm) and ate 1/2 of a french dip (not a huge one) and about 8 fries. I stopped when I felt full, but then an hour later I felt like I would bust. I actually hurt! My back, and my whole torso pretty much was in pain. This happened once before only not nearly as bad and I was able to walk it off on the treadmill. But not this time. I walked for 65 minutes and still felt horrible. I slept in the recliner because I was afraid to lay down and now, 14 hours later, I still feel full! I feel like I need to burp really big - but that's not happening either. How can I make this feeling go away? It all feels like it's sitting at the top (kinda between my breasts) and won't move. I know I will NEVER eat a french dip again, but what can I do for this now? Please help - it's Thanksgiving and I don't want the day ruined! (By the way, I'm 6 wks out and doing wonderful otherwise!) --Pam    — pjnick (posted on November 28, 2002)

November 28, 2002
Are you by any chance constipated? This is how I feel when I am, like the food I ate doesn't have anywhere to go. Other than that, I'm not really sure what could be going on. I hope you feel better soon!
   — Want2bslim

November 28, 2002
Try a home remedy - 1/2 tsp of adolph's meat tenderizer (or a generic version) in a cup of nearly hot water and sip it slowly. If you have something plugged in there it may help it digest (break down) and pass thru. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 28, 2002
This happened to me once, where it seemed that something just would NOT go down. I felt bad the next day from something I'd eaten at supper the night before, and still felt full. I tried the solution below...1/2 tsp Adolphs meat tenderizer in 1 oz hot water and that helped. Another solution I've heard are Papaya pills that you can buy in a health food store(and a papaya product is the main ingredient in Adolph's). Also I've heard that some doctors recommend drinking a bit of mineral oil when something gets "stuck" but I've never tried that and I don't know how much you should drink! The Adolph's solution wasn't too bad, tasted like salt water.
   — sandsonik

November 29, 2002
I get that way from eating BREAD!!! Usually I just sleep it off. Good luck!
   — mandajuice

November 29, 2002
Its not papaya pills, its called papaya enzyme. You can get these at GNC. Chew three of them with some hot liquid. Recommended by the nutritionist...Should do the trick.
   — Cindy R.

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