Lap 9/6, nothing but complications.... PLEASE HELP!

I had lap rny 9/6, and I have had nothing but complications. I developed a leak in my stomach, which lead to an abscess in my abdomen, a hematoma in my spleen, plural effusion in my left lung and a blood clot in my leg. I'm at home now, with a picc line which I feed myself though and administer antibiotics (6 times a day), I also have two drains in my abdomen that I have to take care of. I haven't lost any weight and I'm falling into a serious depression. I want my life back. My doctor wants me to wait another 2 weeks to see if it's healed or not. If not, another surgery is possible. Please, if anyone has had similar problems or could just give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it. Sorry this is so long. Thank you in advance for your responses.    — JM B. (posted on October 2, 2002)

September 28, 2002
Dearest Janelle I too went thru the same things your going thru right now..Every single one of them, I too hadn't lost any weight by 2 months post op because i was still swollen with surgery fluids, i had a hickman instead of pic line but tpn is still the same...It took 3 and a half months to heal closed the leaks, but they did..Your not getting the easiest of all the roads here but I AM OK NOW...I have lost the weight..........and using different doctor would do this again tomorrow if you want to contact me please feel free,,It's not gonna be a picnic but i promise one day you WILL go wow ok this WAS worth it.....bbd email addy is [email protected]
   — BBD

September 28, 2002
WOW it sounds like I wrote this. Look at my profile. I went through 3 awful months of TPN and drains, and infection and puking everyday. I just kept telling myself that this to shall pass. Just take one day at a time. I was allowed nothing by mouth for 3 months, NO Food at all, only a few ice chips. Now I am 18 mos. post-op down 157lbs and I dont regret it. Feel free to e-mail me if you want someone to talk to, [email protected]
   — lynbaby B.

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