What can I expect, in terms of weight loss, if I have had abdominal

surgery before? I had a gastric stapling 15 years ago and did not lose but about 80 pounds and have since gained that back plus...Will I be able to lose more than that this time?    — Sharon R. (posted on June 8, 2001)

June 8, 2001
sharon, I don't know the answer to that question, but I would like to know. I am constantly looking for fellow "redos" . I too, had stomach stapling , in 1984. I lost about 80 lbs and then began to regain slowly. I am almost back at my pre surgery weight. I have heard that revisions don't lose as fast, and then again, I have heard others do better than before. I guess it depends on what type of surgery you are having or have had. If you like, you may e-mail me at: [email protected]
   — peppermintp

June 8, 2001
Hi there, I just wanted to let you know that I had a revision to a rny on 5/14/01 and have lost 30 lbs or more. Yes, you can do it. I believe that I'm losing faster this time with the bypass then either time before, yes this made number 3. good luck all
   — Lisa B.

June 8, 2001
Sharon, I had a revision from VBG to RNY on 5/22/00. I was told to expect a slower weightloss with the revision, but that was not the case for me. I lost more in fits and starts (tons of plateaus) but the pounds really came off in chunks. Before the year was up I had gotten to 160lbs which at 5'8" is a perfect weight for me. I've had some regain due to sugar so I have to lose about 9lbs to get back to 160 and I'd like to see 150 or 155. I was at 225 when I had my RNY. Hope this helps!
   — Kellye C.

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