What happens when you don't take your vitamins!

I just wanted to be honest with all of you postops as well as warn all preop people that it is VITALLY necessary to take your vitamins and all that the doc prescribes. I took all of them for about the first 4 months and then figured that being that I was eating normally again (BPD/DS, that I didn't need all that stuff....WRONG! I needed it badly and now at 10 months postop, I am paying for it. My bloodwork came back all bad yesterday. My iron is a 10 when it is supposed to be around 130, my calcium is very low, potassium is low and protein is slightly low too. I am now having to take many more vitamins and minerals as well as being very tired and listless. yes, I am down to my perfect weight but, at what cost? I lost my weight very fast the doc says....152 pounds in 10 months and went from 280 to 128. I had to miss work a few times cause I didn't have the energy, and I have no energy for the kids right now. The doc says it will be about a month before I see any improvement. I would normally not let people know that I was irresponsible and dumb but, I don't want anyone else to go through this like I am. I was almost put back in the hospital today as my iron is almost nonexistant. I am actually surprised that I haven't gotten every virus and disease around me. I am a lucky one..please don't take the chance that you will be lucky too. TAKE YOUR PROTEIN AND VITAMINS! Love to you all, Barb    — BARBARA R. (posted on April 14, 2000)

April 14, 2000
Barbara thank you so much for sharing. It isn't always easy to admit when we haven't done what we're supposed to, but we ALL do it at one point or another. I am pleased to see you are addressing the issue now (it is never too late) and congratulations on your phenominal weight loss success! The important thing for you to do now is move forward and do not recriminate yourself any further. You are on the right track and in another month (just in time for summer!) you will be chasing your kids around the yard. I wish you the very best:)
   — Paula G.

April 14, 2000
Barbara... Thank you for your informative post.. I'm glad to say that taking vitamins is as natural as brushing my teeth... I understood from posts like yours how important this is.. Congrats on your weight loss.. I just have one word for that.... WOW!!! I wish you the best at getting back on track... You can do it.. you will be running around after the kids in no time :-) Take Care,
   — California J.

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