Tummy tuck

I had a tummy tuck 3 weeks ago. I now have a "spare tire" around my mid-section. Is this normal??    — Randy W. (posted on September 3, 2005)

September 3, 2005
Congratulations on the job well done!!! Are you wearing a binder? It could just be the skin relaxing, is it painful, or do you feel fluid? it could be a seroma. I wore my binder for several months, when I took it off I would swell, which is normal, its part of the healing process. You might visit the plastic surgery forum here on oh. Good luck and "enjoy the ride" Rosemary!!
   — wizz40

September 4, 2005
Hi. Probably just swelling within the tissues...remember, that skin above the incision used to be up near your chest ! So it swells a lot for a few water swells up a sponge. It will go down if you wear your garment, get a lymphatic massage, and be mindful of what makes it worse (usually prolonged sitting) Hope this helps.
   — DrL

September 4, 2005
Hi, I'm 12 weeks out from my tummy tuck. I also have a spare tire. The surgeon says I've forgotten what I looked like before. BUT, I DO remember. I was flat until it got down to the loose skin below my waist. (gravity?) Now this spare tire hangs out over my waistbands and is uncomfortable. I figure I'll have to live with it.
   — Kathy C.

September 5, 2005
Don't sweat it. I had a TT in June, 2004 and I remember being slightly disappointed in the beginning. It takes quite a long time for all the swelling to go down and for you to see final results....I think it was 3-4 months for me. Happy as could be after that, so just hang in there.
   — emilyfink

September 9, 2005
To KATHY. Overhanging skin would be unusual after a full tummy tuck. You might have a pocket of fluid called a pseudobursa that is causing it. I have found these on re-do cases, and insurance has helped with it! Maybe worth an ultrasound exam to see if its there.
   — DrL

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