When do you take your vitamins b12 calcium and how much?

I just want to be getting the most out of what I am taking. I take 2 (one source prenatal vitamins in the morning and 1 droper full of b-complex sub of the mornings. And then sometime in the eveing I take my cal citrate. Now I wonder how much we can abosrbe at once cause my cal citate is 1000mg of cal cirat/500mg of mag/400iu of vitD. per serving and the serving size is 2 capusles. I only take one then take the other at another time. Cause I didn't know if we could abosrbe all if it at once. I didn't want to wast any or overload.    — DROBY (posted on April 15, 2004)

April 15, 2004
Hi, I take the women's one a day vitamin's and as for the b12, I get a shot once a mth from my doctor and it is 1200mgs. so you might want to check into that it is esier for me to do it that way than to take the b12 pills daily. And fro calcium, I take once calcium chewable, the chocolate kind once a day! hope this info helps ya out!
   — Melodee S.

April 15, 2004
I take a mega b-complex and b-12 sublingual tabs in the early morning, a prenatal and iron at 10am, calcium (500mg citrate + D and Magnesium) at noon, another prenatal at 2pm and another calcium at 4pm. I was told we can only absorb 500mg of calcium at a time so you might want to split up your calcium. Also, make sure you don't take your calcium within 2 hours of anything containing iron as that will prevent absorption of the calcium.
   — Carolyn M.

April 15, 2004
I take (2) Viactiv Carmel chews (not at same time) then at night I take (1) a prenatal (Natachew)every day. I get a B12 shot once a month (1000 mg). Check with your doctor first to see what his plans involves. Maryjean 244/152 open RNY 8/05/03
   — Maryjean

April 15, 2004
I am taking the Calcium Citrate that you are taking (same ingredients) and I take four a day for a total of 2000 mg. I take only one at a time and space out throughout the day to maximize the absorption. I also take a variety of other things and am preparing to add more magnesium to my plan because of many symptoms that I am having that point to a magnesium deficiency. My 3 month labs showed the magnesium number on the low side and I have just had more blood work done to see if it has dropped further. I use many of the recommendations from the site for my daily supplements. I am also taking a liquid vitamin called Glacial Milk (from Costco) that has made a BIG difference in how I am feeling. I discovered that I MUST crush pills/open capsules and dump into a shake or take with water on a spoon because I do not absorb capsules very well at this time for what my body needs. This whole thing is a lesson learned at a time, it seems. I am four months post-op and down 52 pounds. I am pleased with the weight loss because it is allowing my 55 year old body to tighten up as it drops weight and I did not expect to lose faster. Just a hint, if you are not already doing so, set up a spread sheet or chart and watch all of your labwork so you can spot trends in your body before they become huge problems. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

April 16, 2004
My physician told me to take two children's chewable Flintstones vitamins each day, two Tums ultra twice a day (total of 4), and sublingual (under the tongue) vitamin B-12 once each week. I found the sublinqual B-12 at GNC. You just place it under your tongue and let it not chew or swallow it as it won't be absorbed from your stomach. B-12 is absorbed in the small bowel, but in the portion that has been bypassed so to chew or swallow it would be would not be absorbed into your system. By taking it under your tongue, it is absorbed the same way a heart patient would use nitroglycerin under the tongue to stop their chest pain. Hope this helps...Kathy
   — Katherine F.

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