How many if any of you have lost at least 100 lbs and not needed plastic surgery ?

I have read about people who needed a TT but not about people who lost and didnt actually need any other surgery. Is it possible not to if you exercise and weight train as soon as possible after surgery ?    — ShirleyG (posted on August 5, 2003)

August 5, 2003
hiya~ i lost 148lbs and did not need a tummy tuck. as my ob-gyn says, my belly looks like any other 35 year old woman who had 3 c-sections. i began weight lifting at 18 months post op and love it! you can check out my site at: good luck! kate
   — jkb

August 5, 2003
i've lost 122 pounds. I went to a plastic surgeon, he said "tummy tuck"?? you don't have enough skin to have a tummy tuck. That was okay, though, as I was there mainly to check on the boob situation. I have saggy pups for sure, but insurance doesn't pay for "gravity" issues. I wear size 4/6 with no gut at all.
   — Connie M.

August 5, 2003
Hi......I lost 135lbs and do not need a tummy tuck. I have a flat tummy with very little saggy skin. In fact, I wear belly shirts alot and people can't even tell. I feel very lucky to have good elacticity with my skin.
   — hawk4life

August 5, 2003
Shirl, I don't need a tummy tuck but do need a lower body lift of beltedictomy (sp?)...I think Apples need tummy tucks and pears need the lower body lift, just my 2 cents. But, I think its about even, I have like no skin in my tummy and I have lost 118lbs. But, my gut, WOW, HUGE! Heather (Open RNY 8-15-02 305/187/150)
   — heathercross

August 5, 2003
Not just possible, but PROBABLE!! I've lost over 200 lbs in the past 19 months since lap rny, and do not need tymmy tuck, or any plastic surgery. I didn't start working out with a regular weight toning regieme until I was 14 months post-op, either. I am 39 years old, too. It is just a matter of how much you are willing to work, and how long you are willing to wait for results! I didn't want any more surgeries, and WON"T have any more unless they are absolute MUSTS. Spend the bit of money it takes to see a good physical trainer about three times, and you will be fine on your own with only a check-in once every six months. If a trainer trys to getyou to see them more than three times and 2x a year after that, they are ripping you off! Good Luck!
   — Sharon m. B.

August 5, 2003
It absolutely is NOT only a matter of how much you are willing to work for how long. I had a large hanging pouch of skin and subcutaneous fat that hung down below my pubic bone to the top of my thighs. I belong to a gym and do aerobics and strength training, and no amount of exercise would have shrunk that hanging bag of skin 6 or more inches up my body and back into place. Some people won't need a TT. It depends on how long you've been MO, your age, the elasticity of your skin, your muscle tone, lots of things. Exercise will help, and it kept me from having to have my arms done as the muscle fills the hanging skin enough to help some, but NOTHING was getting rid of that swinging, sagging, sack of skin short of surgery.
   — mom2jtx3

August 6, 2003
I have lost 105 pounds with 20 more to go and I definitely need a tummy tuck. I think that if you don't need one that you are just very lucky. I doubt that any amount of exercise can help completely blown out skin. I know people who have barely exercised since surgery who need no plastics and others who exercise constantly that really need it bad. It is also a matter of opinion as far as the need for surgery goes. Others might look at my tummy and consider it nothing but I am not happy with it at all. Exercise can definitely help but to the previous poster you are a lucky lucky girl and no amount of sit ups will help this girls tummy. I guess if it is a matter of how hard you are willing to work then I could have just dieted and avoided surgery altogether. Let's not forget where we all came from here.
   — Carol S.

August 6, 2003
i have lost 155 pounds and don't need anything done. the only thing i would like is a boob job because i seemed to have lost mine!! :):):)
   — Tammy B.

August 6, 2003
I've lost 120+ lbs in 9 months. I notice every month tht things are shrinking up here and there. I do not have any MEDICAL necessity for PS anywhere on my body at this point. I started at 306 lbs at five foot five, 30 yrs old. I am purely a Pear Shape! I do not think I'll ever need a TT, but, in the quest for happiness with my naked body, I MIGHT want to look into a breast lift and/or thigh lift. My arms improve daily and I hope that the batwings will disappear altogether with more work. That's it. So, I guess it's a matter of personal preference. Don't kid yourself- you're not goiong to have the body od a 20 year old or be 'perfect' after losing major weight even if you weight train, etc right away, but that doesn't mean you can't wind up happy with what you're left with. It's all a question of genetics in how your skin rebounds. Good luck to you!

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