Does drinking more water have any effect on weight loss?

With new studies coming out stating that you don't have to drink 64oz. of water daily to be healthy, I was just wondering if anyone has found that drinking this much water aids in weight loss? Does it just keep your stomach feeling full or is something else happening? Has anyone who originally(post-op)drank less water found that by increasing their water intake they increased their weight loss? And has anyone had problems with water retention?    — Linda K. (posted on July 1, 2003)

June 30, 2003
Drinking water does help increase weight-loss. Drinking fluid in general will help, but pure clear water (I hear) is the best - though I don't practice what I preach :>) Water - blech! Anyway, you need fluids to flush the fat and crud from your system! How else do you think it gets out of there? And yes, I find that when I drink around 70 to 90 ounces of fluids a day, I lose more. Contrary to popular opinion it doesn't seem to matter FOR ME what the fluid is, so long as I am well hydrated. I do think that it helps with a feeling of fullness as well, but that's just an added benefit to something that's already good. Best of luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 30, 2003
I have much greater weight loss when I am getting more fluids. We are talking double usually as compared to when I am not hydrated. I agree that it is a hard thing to do and that water is probably best but I would estimate that only half or less of what I drink is straight water. I am addicted to orange Fruit 2o and diet iced tea.
   — Carol S.

June 30, 2003
For me, I DO drop more weight when I get all (or more) of my liquids in. I say liquids cause water taste like it has dirt in it YUCK. I love Crystal Light, sugar free Tang, and tea with Splenda. As for water retention, my doc says that one way to get rid of it is to drink more to help wash out your system. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 100+ 23 from goal
   — Siddy I.

June 30, 2003
Regardless of whether water helps us lose more weight or not, there is at least one other compelling reason for post-ops to drink plenty of fluids. A diet that emphasizes protein produces a hormone called glucogon. Glucogon sends messages to the body's cells to release fat; that's how ketosis occurs. Glucogon also tells the kidneys not to store water. So, the extra fluids we drink serve two purposes here: to help wash out the by-products of ketosis (including acetone and ammonia), and to replenish the fluid that the kidneys are trying to get rid of. Bottom line: if you're eating your protein, then you need extra fluid.
   — Vespa R.

July 1, 2003
I'm only 11 wks post, but I definitely lose more and feel better with the more liquids I have. Good luck!
   — Diane S.

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