I am having plastic surgery on Monday, and I am nervous about the pain.

I have had my tummy, breasts and arms done last year; therefore, I am used to some pain involved in these type of procedures. But, I am very nervous about having my outer legs and butt done this Monday. I am scared that I won't be able to get up and down on the toilet. I am scared about tearing the sutures open. I am scared that I won't be able to sleep, even in the recliner because of where the sutures will be and the drain location. I have been dreaming about the surgery for the last couple of nights. Any suggestions or assurances would be greatly appreciated.    — sheron H. (posted on May 15, 2003)

May 14, 2003
Hi! I had the LBL (TT, outer thigh, butt lift) and breast lift together, and I did fine. Have lots of bed pillows to help you get comfy. The incision is high on your butt, so you don't actually sit all your weight on it, although you do lay down on it. I don't recall any problems getting on and off the toilet. With the pain pills, you'll have no problem sleeping. It's much easier than it sounds. I'd bet it will be less painful than the procedures you've already had. Good luck!
   — mom2jtx3

May 15, 2003
I was wondering pretty much the same thing....also I will be up for an LBL and TT...will the LBL give you allot of post op scarring?
   — Miko P.

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