I had my titration (sp?) with the c-pap and was wondering...

I was wondering what presure other people are on. The tech said that I settled in at 11. I have no idea how bad that is or if it is not that bad at all. Any input would be great. Thanks    — Kim R. (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
My cpap pressure is set at 6. I was waking up an average of 21 times per hour at night. Your doctor should be able to tell you how bad it is. My pulminary doctor was very good and explained everything to me.
   — Nancy S.

March 12, 2003
Mine was 15. I had 125 events per hour. That's pretty bad, but I've met worse. Setting at 18, 153 events an hour, poor girl. We are fine now, though!
   — vitalady

March 12, 2003
I have an average of 76 events per hour. I do not progress beyond stage 2 sleep (no 3, 4, or REM). Because of the sustained lack of REM sleep, I have been undergoing personality change over the last 5 years (according to the doc based on data I gave him). My pressure is set at 11. My cpap (which I've nicknamed Loki) and I fight nightly, but I think it's the fond kind of fighting found between close siblings....Right now the duel is about condensation. Good luck to you with yours!! :)
   — Dragon G.

March 12, 2003
I am 1 year post-op and was able to turn my CPAP back in, at 3 months, due to the weight loss, but before my surgery, I was at a setting of 18. I was having 173 episodes per night, and was at respiratory distress levels w/only 32% oxygen. Pretty scary, as I had no idea until I had to have the sleep study prior to surgery!
   — Mary W.

March 12, 2003
I'm sorry - I had 173 episodes per HOUR - not per NIGHT.
   — Mary W.

March 12, 2003
It was explained to me is that the setting on your CPAP has nothing to do with the severity of one's Sleep Apnea. Your level of oxygen desaturation and number of episodes determine how "bad" your apnea is. The CPAP acts as an air splint and the pressure setting is the amount of pressure needed to keep your airway open. My brother, whose apnea was much worse than mine had a setting of 9. I weighed more.My setting was an 11. Now at 20 months post-op, I haven't used my CPAP in about 3 months after using it for about 4 years.
   — Pamela B.

March 12, 2003
Like Pamela said, the settings are generally less of an indication of the severity. I had to be moved to BiPAP because when the CPAP pressure hit 18 I could not breath back against it. My initial settings that got rid of everything was 22/18. Yet some people can handle a 30 setting on CPAP. When I saw the pulmonologist a few weeks later he dropped it to 17/14 because at that level it got rid of enough apneas to be considered normal. Up to 10 apneas per hour is considered normal, unless of course those 10 result in long periods of no oxygen, but that is very likely to happen at 10 or less per hour. 11's not a bad pressure so hopefully everything will go just fine once you have the machine at home.
   — zoedogcbr

March 12, 2003
Make that: <p>Up to 10 apneas per hour is considered normal, unless of course those 10 result in long periods of no oxygen, but that is very "UNLIKELY" to happen at 10 or less per hour. <p>Sorry I thought I read it carefully, but guess not. Chris
   — zoedogcbr

March 12, 2003
I had 126 in 5 hrs, or about 20 per hour. My CPAP is set on 5. The pressure has nothing to do with how sever your apnea is. It is just the pressure <b>YOU</b> need to cause unobstructed sleep. Everyone is different. They seemed a bit shocked at I only needed a pressure of 5 on mine but it does the trick. I love my CPAP machine. I sleep so much better now and I don't wrestle with it at night.
   — Pookie B.

March 13, 2003
I have had my CPAP for 3 weeks. I'm having issues with my mask, but I love the air pressure. I can even sleep under the covers, because I'm getting air from the machine. My setting is 8 which seems just right for me. I hope you can get friendly with your machine. Take care.
   — NewJoolz

March 13, 2003
My pressure is set at 17 and I have mild to moderate sleep apnea.
   — aprilbaree

March 13, 2003
Hello! My setting is 13 and I have severe obstructive sleep apnea - 42 episodes per hour...Barb
   — Barbara C.

March 13, 2003
My CPAP is set at 10. My husband's is at 12. I feel like mine could be a little higher, but pulmonolgist says it's fine at 10. I have trouble with the mask STILL after 7 months, but, I do sleep better now. I would consider severity to be a combination of factors. An 8 is probably mild to moderate....just a guess. Good luck.
   — carpediem

March 14, 2003
My BiPap is 16\12 I had 72 episodes an hour and never reached past stage 2 sleep. I have seen others posted on this site that have their CPAP set at 24.
   — Robin J.

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