I am going to have a UGI to check for a staple line disruption.

I am a year post-op with an RNY (down 127 lbs. and about 45 to go) and doubt I actually have a staple-line disruption, but lately have found the volume I can eat has increased quite a lot. I realize that is normal at this point and that the surgery is only a tool, and I have to really be careful about what I eat. But I'm wondering, and this may sound like a weird question: Is there anything else an upper GI can find other than a disruption, with the pouch? Can it see if it's been stretched? I also have heard where someone found the food was going out of her pouch very quickly and that was causing her hunger problems (basically the pouch was not exactly getting bypassed, but it wasn't doing its job); can a GI see this kind of thing? I only have had one GI in my life (pre-op) so I don't really know what all it can catch (other than leaks). Can anyone answer this one? Thanks!!!    — Mary Ellen W. (posted on April 29, 2002)

April 29, 2002
Sorta. It can also show up a stretched stoma. I know our docs here prefer a scope, more detail, see the fabric of the pouch & condition & all. But you may end up with both.
   — vitalady

April 29, 2002
I had a staple line disruption at 4 mo post op, probably much sooner than that. I had an UGI to determine the cause of my pain and nausea... After the results of the UGI, I was scoped and my staple line disruption was confirmed as well as the marginal ulcer on my stoma that had perforated..This caused me to have peritonitis... a very ugly scene. My friend just had a scope to rule out staple line disruption and to see if her pouch was functioning correctly.. everything is ok.. but her stoma is larger than most so she is able to eat a larger volume of food.. She is really having to diet now to continue to lose her last 40 pounds........ Take care
   — Gina Landers

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