Post-ops: Anyone experiencing toothgum problems?

I just noticed that I have receeding gums on two of my teeth. There's about 3mm of tooth root showing. My teeth were fine a couple of weeks ago. My dentist said that this is peridontal disease. I take 80 gms of protein a day, plus alot of other vitamins and minerals. I also get all of my water in every day. I am 3 mos post op, open RNY (150 cm bypassed -- some say this is proximal, some say distal) down 49 pounds. Have any of you had this problem, and was the onset sudden like this?    — Joya K. (posted on March 10, 2002)

March 10, 2002
I'm glad that you asked this question. I'm 2 months out and just in the last 2-3 weeks have been having terrible pain in my gums and have never had problems before. I too get in plenty of protein and all of my vitimins and water so I can't figure out what is causing this problem. If anyone has any insight pleaseeeeee share your wisdom with us!! Vicki Mize
   — vmize

March 10, 2002
Hi: I am 7 mos post op today and have never really had any problems with my teeth other than the few fillings, cleanings, etc. I had 2 teeth just break off for no apparrant reason at all this weekend.....I am still trying to get into the dentist to get them fixed, but luckily no pain at all.... I wasn't even eating anything crunchy....I hate to say it, but I was eating "chocolate"...I will keep you informed if I find anything out, that could be health related.....
   — Joi G.

March 10, 2002
Okay, I'm not a dentist, but I did work in a dental office for years and we used to see alot of pregnant women. What does this have to do with WLS, you ask? Good question. Maybe nothing, BUT, I did hear that cellulite is a female hormone hoarder, and as we shed pounds, we also go through some major hormonal imbalances as our hormones get dumped into our system and then out of us. Pregnant women have teeth and gum problems due to hormones.. Maybe we have them too.
   — Colleen S.

March 10, 2002
I am still pre-op but several years ago lost a substantial amount of weight in a very short time. Within months, I too was in the periodontists office have "root scaling & planing" done. This is a treatment for gum disease. The periodontist said there are several contributors to this: rapid weight loss, stress, & smoking to name a few. Well I had all three. After the scaling & planing, I now have my teeth cleaned every three months. By the way, I gained all the weight back plus more:( Hopefully this will be a more long term solution! I'm taking very special care of my teeth though!
   — Lori D.

March 10, 2002
One cause of tooth/gum problems post op stems from the fact that we do not DRINK with or soon after our meals. This leaves the food on our teeth for longer periods of time than it normally would. Brushing after meals becomes much more important as a post op. If you can't brush, then chew gum (unless you or your surgeon have nixed that idea). If your teeth are breaking, I would RUN to have a dexascan to check your bones. Loss of teeth can be a sign of osteoporosis. Don't wait for the broken hips. Early onset osteoporosis is a known side effect of RNY or other malabsorption surgeries. You have to battle that with good calcium intake (citrate) and watch your BONES, not your calcium blood levels.. they tell you nothing about your bones.
   — BethVBG

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