Has anyone experienced mild pain with every bite or drink?

Hi. I am 3 1/2 weeks out-lap RNY. 5 days after surgery I had to have a 2nd surgery for a ruptured hernia that was blocking a bowel. Since then, I get a mild uncomfortable pain in the center, between breast and belly button, every time I take a drink or bite of food. It passes after 10 seconds or so. Anyone know what it is and if it will eventually clear up? The doc has not had this issue with his other patients. Cindy    — Cindy R. (posted on March 3, 2002)

March 3, 2002
The pain that you describe sounds a lot like getting stuck. If you are experiencing this with even a drink then you could very well have a stricture, or the beginning stages of one. At three 1/2 weeks out, you are a prime candidate. I had 2 strictures and it started out this way. But eventually it closed even more to where I could not even tolerate liquids and I became dehydrated. I'm not trying to diagnose you but just saying that it is a possibility. If it gets to the point that you cannot eat and then not drink, please be persistent with you doctor.
   — Cheri M.

August 24, 2002
See the post about "Kinked Intestine" for my experience with that. I had to have a second surgery to correct the problem and I feel mucho better!
   — missmollyk

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