I am getting conflicting information on how long it should take to eat.

My doc says take at least 30-40 minutes to eat a meal. Others say take no longer than 5-15 minutes. Why is there such a difference in opinion on this? I am sick of eating cold eggs ;) I am 28 days post op open RNY. I had a morningstar griller (vegetarian hamberger patty) last night and ate it in about 15 minutes, it weighed 2 ounces. Another time I had a scrambled egg with cheese and salsa at IHOP and ate it in like 45 minutes. I must say I didn't feel much difference between the two meals except the eggs were getting gross and cold. I am talking to my dietician tomorrow, so I will ask her too. I just wanted to get the opinion of other post-ops. =)    — Nichole B. (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 11, 2002
Right after surgery one soft cooked egg, at least 20 minutes. Now perhaps 5 minutes or less. Dont eat so fast you throw up or get nauseous. Its a individual thing you will learn yourself.
   — bob-haller

February 11, 2002
Personally, my "eating" part still lasts only 15-20 min, although the social part can last much longer. If I ate for 45 min, that would be grazing and my pouch would be larger (and so would I). I am voting with your shorter eating span, enjoy it hot, then move on. You don't need to be eating MORE than the 2 oz you are enjoying right now to be healthy. I prefer to get my nutrition via supplements (generally) and enjoy my food at temp and savor what I get. It actually helps food NOT be so much of an issue.
   — vitalady

February 11, 2002
My surgeon recommended 20 minutes then stop eating. His concern is that if you stretch out your meal longer the pouch is already beginning to empty and you don't get a full sensation. He didn't say anything about eating too fast other than to chew well. Everyone's dr will give different instructions but that is the info and rationale I got.
   — ctyst

February 11, 2002
I found that when I follow my doctor's orders, which are the same as yours, I can eat a LOT more. I agree with the previous posters when they say eating over a longer period of time is like grazing. I seem to get more full if I eat quicker, but when I eat slowly I can get a lot more down, probably because the pouch is already emptying. I think they recommend slow at first, because early post-op you throw up so much, and often it is caused by eating too fast. They are trying to recondition you. I mean pre-op I could eat ten times what I eat now in a tenth of the time! Well, at least that's what I think. :) Good Luck!
   — Deborah W.

February 11, 2002
My dietician and doctor said that we should alway take at least 20-30 minutes to eat our meal. They said that we should do this because it takes that long for the brain to let us know that we are full. If we eat to quickly we can be sick or uncomforable. I put my spoon or fork down between each bite and when my food gets cold I just zap it in the microwave or ask the waitress to heat it up for me they don't mind at all. Good luck. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

February 11, 2002
I would have to agree with Cheri. If you eat longer, then your pouch begins to empty, thus leaving room for more food. I would have to disagree with the 30 min. amount of time to alert the brain. I can get full within 5 minutes with my pouch. It would take me 30 minutes with my pre-op stomach. I am assuming that the pouch fills up quicker and tells the brain quicker. Just my theory.
   — Cheri M.

February 11, 2002
I eat in about 10-15 min. I am 7 weeks post-op. I try to take 1 or 2 min. between bites, so I don't get full in 1-2 bites and loose all my nutrients. For me 6 bites in max. also depending on the consistancy of food such as tuna vs yogert.
   — Cindee A.

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