Have I lost enough weight to have a tummy tuck done?

I am almost 10 months out of WLS, and I will be having a hysterectomy performed in April. Currently, I am about 5 feet, seven inches tall, and I weigh about 225. I am pear shaped, and I have some loose skin on my stomach, but it is ugly looking. My gynecologist says she thinks I can have a tummy tuck done now, with great results. I have been working out, and weight lifting for a few months now, and she said she could feel a good muscle base underneath. I am fearing that I could get down to maybe 175 or lower and then what? Will I have hanging skin again? I am torn, because I know that if I have the tuck done in the future, I will be responsible for the entire cost, as if I have it done while the hysterectomy is being performed, the cost will be consideribly less. Any suggestions or comments will be very much appreciate. Thanks.    — sheron H. (posted on January 6, 2002)

January 5, 2002
My first thought is do you HAVE to have the hysterectomy in April? Anyway it could wait? If it's being performed 3 months from now, it must not be of an emergency nature. Maybe have it done in 6 months? Just a thought...
   — [Anonymous]

January 6, 2002
Sheron, I weighed 376lbs and lost down to 250 and had my panni removed.Mine was bad it weighed over 25lbs,That was in 1995. I went down to 226 and stayed at that weight for 5 years and my belly was tight. Then last Feb. I quit my job and gained up to 301(Thats why I decided on RNY Surgery)My belly was bigger but the skin didn't hang after I lost down to my current weight 236. The belly is really tightened up so I don't think you will have a problem with loose skin if you get it done in April. Even after gaining all that back my belly is tightening up and getting smaller. I hope I helped you in your decision.
   — Connie Z.

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