What can I notice with a low vitamin A level?

I am one year post-op. Each time I go into the doc, the blood levels all come out good. However the last time I went I recieved a letter from my doctor that said my vitamin A level was low. I did not really suspect anything and wondered if this had happened to anyone else and what kinds of things should I be noticing about myself to see if this is happening again. Right now I am on a vitamin A tablet each day along with a multiple vitamin, my calcium and also I take a baby aspirin daily. Just wondered if anyone else had had this to occur!! Sarah Brackett, new email address is [email protected]    — Sarah B. (posted on August 21, 2001)

August 20, 2001
Sarah, I don't know about your vitiman A problem. If it was potassium I might be able to help you. What I worry about is your use of a baby vitimin! I used to take them because heart attacks run all through my family and I thought it's good insurance. However my surgeon says NEVER AGAIN. If your surgeon says it's ok, then who am I to argue. However you may be taking them on your own without him knowing and I BEG YOU, call him/her to find out if it's ok. I was told it could damage your stomach. In fact I have to use non asprin (acetaminophen) for pain. NO ASPRIN EVER ALLOWED AGAIN---EVER. "Not even a baby asprin". Please call your surgeon and make sure. You sure don't want your stomach eaten away.
   — Danmark

August 20, 2001
Just remember that if you may get pregnant, Vitamin A can be toxic to the fetus if you get too much!
   — ctyst

August 21, 2001
I agree with Daniel. I was told no aspirin for any reason at any time because it is a blood thinner. I'm only pre-op so I can't answer your question about Vitamin A, but the aspririn is a big no-no; at least that's what I was told. Good Luck!
   — Kristin R.

August 21, 2001
Yes, it is not unusual for RNY to be low in A. A = eyes. You might not feel a thing. A is one of the fat soluble vites we malabsorb, along with D&E. You can supplement this with a DRY form vit A. To supplement in the same form (oil) that you are ALREADY not getting only costs money. Be sure and be checked in 3 months to be sure you've only corrected, not over corrected.
   — vitalady

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