can you take liquid calcium?

Could you take liquid calcium/ break it open and mix it w/ something or is it still non absorable?    — Cindee A. (posted on August 7, 2001)

August 11, 2001
I don't know about the liquid calcium. However, I found a calcium supplement that is bonded to fructose molecules, which allows the calcium to be absorbed directly by the cells. If you would like more information, please e-mail me at [email protected].
   — Amy D.

August 17, 2001
Calcium does com in a nasal spray Macalcin, just ask your MD for a script
   — Ruth B.

August 21, 2001
I just found a few websites that offer liquid calcium (some with Chondroitin and Glucosamine packaged as an "osteo" supplement) Try and (I prefer the first because if you dig deep enough, they show you the nutritional information panel ... and the one they feature has NO SUGAR -- Yippee!!) On your journey, may your heart be light.
   — indigobutterrfly

February 26, 2002
Liquid calcium is definitely the best choice. As you may already know, calcium is probably the most difficult mineral for the body to absorb. I have found a liquid calcium in a predigested form that is highly absorbable and taste great! For more info email me at [email protected]
   — Patti S.

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