I was wondering if anyone got sick a week or so b4 surgery?

and if anyone has, did they go throught the worry ia I started taking an anitbiotic..but I also have asthma..and Iam kind of worried about it turing deadly after surgery date is july 9th I'am hoping I'll be better b4 then.. I dont want to have to cancal..but should I just to be safe?..please help..thanks    — Adrena A. (posted on June 29, 2001)

June 29, 2001
About a week and a half prior to my surgery (4 days ago) I had a phlegmy cough and sore throat from sinus and allergies. when I met with the anesthesiologist, she told me that they would cancel the surgery if I had green/yellow discharge. That was all I needed to hear! I headed straight for the drugstore and got some cough elixir. I was fine in 2 days. Still had a little phelgm, even on the day of surgery (but it was clear). If you feel ill, then you should probably postpone. I think you'll be fine by then though. Just continue to overhydrate yourself with fluids, stay away from aspirin (not a good thing to have a week before surgery) and keep your feet covered! Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

July 1, 2001
I had a sinus infections when I went in for pre-op testing about ten days before my surgery. They immediately put me on antibiotics and I was fine by surgery day. I also have asthma and got regular breathing treatments for the five days that I was in the hospital after surgery but now I am 4 months post op and I've only needed my inhaler about 3 times since surgery.
   — Meredith A.

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