Will high BP interfere with having surgery?

On 6/5/01 my BP was 150/110...highest ever... my PCP put me on meds but I don't feel a difference...I still feel tight thru the chest. I go back for a recheck on 6/19. I'm wondering if it stays high if it will it keep me from having surgery in July. Has anyone had surgery w/ high BP?    — Cathy D. (posted on June 15, 2001)

June 15, 2001
Just keep on top of it.. get checked and hopefully they will find a med to adjust it.. i have high bp and have had surgeries w/ it before.. its a common comorbidity.
   — Dawn R.

June 15, 2001
Bariatric surgeons are accustomed to the majority of their patients having problems with high blood pressure. As long as your surgeon and anesthesiologist are aware of the problem, they can be prepared to appropriately monitor and treat it. My blood pressure was significantly higher than yours at the time of my RNY. It was within normal range and all medications had been discontinued at 3 months post-op. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 15, 2001
I HAD high bp when I had my surgery and took meds for it. The morning of surgery I was nothing by mouth (of course) but I was told to take my BP meds as well as my thyroid med with the least amt of water possible. I had no problems. Thank God.
   — Rose A.

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