What will happen next after the benefits person reviews?

I met w/ benefits guy on Fri. I was very confused when I left the mtg. They said they were going to send my info back to the ins. co. and a group of 8 people would decide on wheather or not they will pay if at all. Please give me some of your experience with this. thanks!!!!    — Cindee A. (posted on April 2, 2001)

April 2, 2001
So you met with a benefits guy? Was this with your insurance or your employer? I would think the review he is talking about is going to be the committee with either the employer or the insurance company that will review all aspects of the benefit and options. What is your exclusion or limitation exactly? Does it appear to be ironclad or is it something you feel you can get around and get covered? Email me and I'll help you in anyway I can. I've worked in the insurance industry for over 8 years in Oregon and may be able to help some. Email me at [email protected]
   — Dawn R.

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