Has anyone used Meridia?

I have been struggling with my insurance company over WLS. In the meantime, my PCP has suggested I try Meridia for weight loss. She also suggested Wellbutrin for depression. I was told I cannot take them together and I should figure out which one I like best. I have been taking the welbutrin for almost a week (because my insurance will cover that). I have not tried the Meridia. Any input on Meridia would be appreciated.    — Jackie L. (posted on February 21, 2001)

February 21, 2001
I took Meridia for a few months. It does get rid of your hunger, however in my case it made my blood pressure rise to where I was no longer allowed to take it. It's also expensive, and not covered by many insurance plans, while taking the Meridia you have see your doctor once a month for the refil.
   — abran

February 21, 2001
I also tried Meridia for a few months but my blood pressure rose drastically so my doctor pulled it. It did reduce hunger, but I didn't lose any weight (but didn't gain any). It is very expensive if your insurance does not cover. Good Luck!
   — Angela B.

February 21, 2001
I used Meridia. It caused my blood pressure to go up and it did nothing to curb my appetite or help me lose weight.
   — [Anonymous]

February 21, 2001
Ditto for the other responses as to Meridia - expensive, high bp, no success. I've been on Wellbutrin for depression before and it didn't help me either. However, finding the right antidepressant can be difficult, and sometimes the side effects are worse than the reality of your depression. That was the case for me, anyway. Keep the faith and don't give up the fight. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 21, 2001
I used Meridia for a few months preop and all I lost was money!
   — Rose A.

February 26, 2001
I used Meridia for about 6 months a year ago. I lost 25 pounds before I hit a plateau. My PCP wouldn't prescribe it any more because I was no longer losing. I've gained 55 pounds since I went off it (30 pounds in the first 4 months). It worked really well as an appetite suppressant for me, and no blood pressure trouble, but after gaining so much I don't dare try it again.
   — Kristy S.

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