Does anyone know the effects of being a smoker and havign RNY? Anesthesia? Scar heal

   — lisadiehl (posted on February 5, 2000)

February 5, 2000
My doctor will not perform the surgery on smokers.
   — dboat

February 6, 2000
I am sure there are risks they will tell you with being a smoker and with the anesthesia. What I can tell you is that I have had 15 surgeries, Rny being my latest<on 1/4/00> and I have smoked for many many years and have not had a bit of problems. I hope this eases your fears.
   — Linda W.

February 6, 2000
Among our local people, we see a lot more nausea and vomiting with smokers than with non-smokers. It seems to make the stoma somewhat rigid and less cooperative in passing the food and liquids through the pouch into the intestine. No guarantee, but it seems to turn out that way.
   — vitalady

February 7, 2000
I was a heavy smoker for 23 years before the surgery. The first surgery went well on Oct. 4.1999. However, I developed a leak. Then my lung went nuts and I had pneumonia and atelectasis. I spent a long time in ICU and my respiratory care bill was significantly higher than the ICU bill. I would suggest you quit. The sooner, the better.
   — Elizabeth H.

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