Is it possible to be able to eat dairy for the first week or so after surgery and

then become lactose intolerant.? I'm 2 weeks post op and for the 1st 11 days was able to tolerate milk, and milk products. The last few days I've begun to suspect lactose intolerance. (Feel kind of queasy and very bad stomach pains) I eliminated dairy and felt fine but then yesterday had a protein shake made with SF tang. (which I had last week with no problem) It is a whey based protein powder and I was in agony for the rest of the day. Will I have to eliminate all dairy?? What do people find they can and cannot tolerate?    — ellen R. (posted on September 16, 1999)

September 16, 1999
It is VERY possible to become lactose intolerant after RNY. In fact, it is an expected outcome! WHEY protein is not a dairy product, however. The whey goes here, the lactose goes there. Whey is safe, lactose is not. What brand do you have, as not all whey proteins are lactose free? Some are, some aren't. You can mix any lactose/sugar free products with flattened diet pops, too, for variety. You can do carbonated if allowed by yoru doc and your pouch. But flat works great. WE use Better than Milk for any other milk needs we have. WE do not a drop of milk, haven't for 5 yrs. Life is do-able this way. REALLY!
   — vitalady

September 20, 1999
No. Lactose intolerance is a genetic trait that usually becomes manifest in the teenage years, it is not induced by surgery. You probably will be able to eat dairy again as your system heals.
   — Bruce B.

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