Anyone became a Police Officer or Park Ranger Post-Op???

I am thinking about going through the academy to become a Park Ranger. I have to go through the same Basic Peace Officer training academy as if you were to become a POlice Officer. I was wondering if anyone has had any troubles with the doctor signing off as good health, or the academy feeling that its a risk. Also anyone had trouble getting the actual job after going through the academy?? I would hate to get my hopes up with wanting this career and then not able to get it due to WLS. I have heard that WLS patients may not be able to go into the military because of it, so I though I would ask! Thanks for any info available.    — Sunny4x4chick (posted on March 10, 2005)

March 10, 2005
I just wanted to say congrats on the weight loss because you have done fantastic. I would think that you would have a great chance of being accepted and with your hard work and determination I'm sure you can do it. Once again CONGRATS on what a wonderful job you have done with all the weight you have lost.
   — Belle

March 10, 2005
Hey Sunny, I am in the same boat with you. Here is the thing.... why is it ANY of their business? KWIM? As long as you are out far enough from your surgery so that you don't have strict dietary needs and restrictions that might interfere with training then why do they even need to know? I am by no means saying lie but don't volunteer the info if you feel it is not necessary. The main reason why the military does not like having Gastric patients on active duty is simple, dietary needs conflict with training. Simply put you are a high risk candidate. There have been missions where hubby has gone days without being able to eat, let alone it be a healthy meal. Heck one MRE has more calories in it than we eat in an entire day! LOL! Often your training and missions in the military take you to places where you really need to push water and push your body to the extreme and it is not really conducive to someone who needs to sip water or take handfuls of supplements. Good luck Hun... I will be applying to several PDs and parks myself in the next 6 months. I am working really hard at getting physically fit as well as proficient with my firearms before I even send in one resume. I would like to be almost a year out before going to the academy myself. I am already EMT trained and I have 2 degrees conducive to law enforcement so I am hoping that getting my health back onto track will open so many more doors career wise! HUGS & Keep in touch- oh check the law enforcement boards, there are several corrections officers, EMTs and cops who had WLS there!
   — MagickalMom

March 10, 2005
Hey & Thanks for the relpies! I understand about not telling if they do not ask. Many people in my family are police officers including my mom & brother. I am gonna ask them if they know if the normal application asks anything about it. I know the apps are pretty lengthy and descriptive, so I'm gonna check. By the for the academy I would go to I would have to pass a physical assessment before entering class. I would have to do 23 situps within a minute, 9 push-ups within a minute and a 1.5 mile run within 17:53. Well I did the situps in the exact time & pushups with leftover time, gonna try the run soon. And I haven't even worked out lately! Woo-Hoo!! Thanks Ya'll Sunny
   — Sunny4x4chick

March 10, 2005
I dont know about 'before' but I do know we have a couple of officers on our force that have had WLS after being employed and stayed employed.
   — star .

March 10, 2005
My sis became a NYC Police officer at two years post op. The academy was great, she kick started her weight loss and developed huge muscle mass.
   — Jeannet

March 13, 2005
I don't know about the police dept., but my husband works for the FDNY as an EMT. He knows more than a few men who are successful post-ops without repercussions.
   — Fixnmyself

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