Can ketosis cause other odors other than, gas/BM/ breath/vaginal odors?

Can ketosis cause other odors other than, gas/BM/ breath/vaginal odors? I'm not experiencing ANY of those, but it seems to be that my skin itself (incision sites completely healed) all over has a metallic, rusty smell to it. It's been happening for 2 weeks now and I'm 6 weeks post op. Does devrom or innermint attack the ketosis issue?    — Hypnocutie Cha CHa (posted on January 14, 2005)

January 14, 2005
I'm guessing it's just coming out your pores. I do not remember that and I chose to stay in ketosis for about 4 months because it was burning fat big time. However, every one is different. All I can suggest is frequent showers. Sorry! Devrom gets rid of the stinky gas but it's working in your bowel, not throughout your whole body. But who knows it might help. Worth a try. Has anyone else said you smell or is it just your observation? It might be that you are just so tuned into it because you are living it daily right now and your whole body really doesn't smell. Ask a trusted friend to give you an honest answer. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

January 14, 2005
I may be the only one smelling this. I know for me I was HYPER senstive to all smells for a couple months after surgery. I smelled last week dinner in the house. The dog had more baths than she cared to ever see again. I could just be that too.
   — FaithMills

January 16, 2005
I experienced the same issues, and I just ordered Innermint, I have chatted with several others who said it was very helpful and it's natural. Even the kids and pets can use it! I'd give it a try, I work in a professional environment and I figured if I can smell me, so can others :)
   — jenniferw

January 20, 2005
I am 11 wks post op and I had the same problem with smells and the metallic taste all the time up until 2 wks ago. I still can't stand some smells. My husband says I don't smell, it is just me smelling it. I've lost 45lbs so far. Charlene
   — Charlene B.

July 15, 2009
You know <a href= ""> Vaginal Odor </a> could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis which although is not an STD needs treatment
   — VaginalOdor

July 15, 2009
You know <a href= ""> Vaginal Odor </a> could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis which although is not an STD needs treatment
   — VaginalOdor

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