WOuld having a huge hernia repaired make one feel fuller?

I had a hernia and TT on Oct 25, I notice that when I eat I seem to get fuller on less food than I did before the surgery. Is it possible that my huge hernia was allowing me to eat more and letting my stomach expand more or is it just my imagination? My hernia was from my breat bone to below my belly button.    — beachdog (posted on November 1, 2004)

November 1, 2004
I was not so hungery and filled up faster immediately post op from my hernia repair last year and agian with my LBL this year, but it was only temporary for the first couple weeks. I think it is recovery from the anesthesia on my part.
   — **willow**

November 1, 2004
This happens more often since my abdominoplasty which requird major muscle tightening. I think that when the muscles are tightened, there is less room for our puches to expand. I am hoping it continues in my case!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

November 1, 2004
I had noticed after I ate my pouch would bulge, however after my tt and muscle tightening, and hernia repair it doesnt bulge anymore and I feel I get and stay fuller faster since it doesnt have the room to expand. Rosemary
   — wizz40

November 1, 2004
My PS said this can be a side effect from a TT. Sadly, I didn't experiance it! :)
   — mom2jtx3

November 2, 2004
Not uncommon at all. We measured the pressure it took to fill the lungs in surgery before and after muscle does go up in most cases. This means a little abdominal distention can result in an early feeling of "fullness." I'm glad to see that does not bother most of you!
   — DrL

November 3, 2004
I had a triple hernia repair and an abdominal plasty on Sept 23, I was in the hospital for 10 days,, was only allowed water for the first 5 days, (had to pass gas in order to get food) then afterwards I had no appetite for about 3 weeks,, I lost 22 pounds in the first 2 weeks after my surgery. Now my appetite is back to what it was before the surgery, Im trying to not regain the weight I've lost since surgery,, so far Im fluctuating within 5 pounds. They only removed 8 pounds from me.
   — Amy Hoffman

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