What are some possible side effects of the use of mesh in hernia repair

Having just had TT/hernia repair, I was told by the Dr. today that my hernia extended from my breast bone to below my bellow button. What are some of the side effects of the mesh that was used to repair my abdomen? Has anyone had any problems with this method?    — beachdog (posted on October 28, 2004)

October 28, 2004
i had mesh put in a little over a year ago, for a hernia repair. No problems at all.
   — **willow**

October 29, 2004
I too had a hernia repair from my breast bone to belly button with mesh. I just wasn't lucky enough to have a Tummy Tuck. (Emergancy repair.)I feel fine but every once in awhile I will get a sudden sharp pain on the left lower side where the mesh was inserted.
   — PattyO

October 29, 2004
Hi Lisa- I have had several mesh patches in and had to have several taken out do to my body not wanting them in- It starts with belly pain- maybe low grade fevers-the pain may be just uncomfortable enough for you to go to the doctor- in my case they took a cat scan with contrast of my belly which showed a pocket of fluid- which would have to be drained- I had mine drained by going to surgery to have it drained and then more drains put in to help the fluid to drain or I have gone to interventional radiology in x-ray department to have drains put in-with me unfortunately I have had to have the patches scraped out and then in 2-3 months another hernia woule show up and the whole thing would start over-or I have had them abcess up through the incision ( after the incision was healed like a month or two later) with a bubble that looked like a boil but when that open the bubble it would track all the way down to the patches--I would suggest that if you are having pain or even a sense of fullness or pulling on one side to have your doctor preform a cat scan with contrast-- make sure they do it with contrast or it will not show--( mine were abdominal wall abcess with ended up with patch removal) if your doctor refuses to do a cat scan and it is really bothering you then go to the emergency room-they will probably do the ct scan to rule out things. My hernias started from being 500 pounds and stretching my abdominal wall lining to paper thin-I then has a gastric bypass and when i lost the weight i had nothing there to hold my abdominal contents in and i got hernias as a result-- I hope yours is just post op inflammatory process and it will go away- please keep me posted on your situation- I will pray for you!
   — TERRI B.

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