How long after TT/hernia repair should it take to loose fluid buildup

I had my TT/hernia repair on the 25th of October, they took 12 pounds off but the scale at home only shows 7, how long should it take for swelling and fluid buildup to go away so that the actually weight loss will show. I am draining about 500cc daily in my hemovac drain. Is that normal    — beachdog (posted on October 28, 2004)

October 27, 2004
Im not sure on that cause when i had mine done dr said itwas 8 to 10 pds he removed and when I got home I was still the same weight as I was when I went in it weird you would think with having so many pds of skin removed you would show losing that much weight but it dont also with the draining I did not have any drain tubes dr just removed fluid with neediel several times on me
   — wildbrat

October 28, 2004
I had drains (2) for 2 weeks. the first few days I was draining 500 - 600 cc a day, and was told as long as the color is getting lighter that is ok. the first day it was dark red and over several days turned lighter red, then finally amber colored. The drains were removed when I was getting < 30 cc out of each for a few days. I was told by my doctor that I would see best results in 6 months to a year.
   — **willow**

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