Is it to early for TT

I am having a Hernia Repair this month.I've had wls 9 months ago,I've lost a total of 100lbs so far. I've had this Hernia for over 4 years now.My question is:Is it too early for a Tummy Tuck? And will a Hernia Repair effect your weight loss in any kind of way? Negative or Positive    — Timeko G. (posted on August 17, 2004)

August 17, 2004
Hi Timeko: Congrats on the 100 pounds loss to date. I looked on your profile but it doesn't give details on how much more you need to lose to get to goal. It does say a BMI that's high enough to make me think you still have more than 20 more pounds to lose though. They say you should be within 20 pounds of goal or you'll have lose skin once you lose more after a TT. I think that's just a rule of thumb as I know people who didn't lose nearly as much as that post TT and their skin loosened. And I know others who lost more than that and are still flat and tight. A lot depends on how tight you get pulled initially and just your genetics I think. So I guess what I'm saying to you is it depends on if you're willing to go back again later for a small revision to tighten a little more. Or is your stomach really causing so many problems that it's worth not having ideal results to get it taken care of early? Is there any way to delay just a bit more your hernia repair until you are a bit closer to goal? These are all things to consider, and ultimately it is your decision on what you can live with. As far as a hernia repair effecting your weight loss my guess is it doesn't have any effect one way or the other. Maybe someone who actually had a hernia repair could tell you for sure though. Good luck in whatever you decide. Sherry
   — sherry hedgecock

August 17, 2004
I am 3 wks post hernia repair and TT. I would like to lose appx 20 more pounds, but the hernia was really bad and had to be fixed. The TT was done because insurance will almost ALWAYS pay for a TT when there is a reconstructive component to the surgery, i.e. HERNIA REPAIR. If you are close enough to your target weight, it is worth doing both together. Costs, even IF you are paying for the TT, are much less, since you will be using the OR and anesthesia for the hernia, as well. I know that my skin might be a bit less tight if I lose a bit more weight, but so what! It won't ever be like it was, and I'd say thats a complete improvement. I hope that helps. Good luck on your surgery.
   — zena X.

August 17, 2004
I don't really have an answer to your question, but I was wondering where is you hernia on your abdomen. i have a large on in my upper abdomen and and smaller one in my belly button. I am 8 months out and down 120lbs. 80 more to go. i hate having the hernias and the surgeon wants to fix them. he says the hernias are too far from where the panni is to do both at once and the chance of infection with the mesh is greatly increased by doing both at once. So I'm thinking why wait to have my hernia repaired. i really hate it and want it fixed. i guess I am looking for some unbiased opinions here. I'm looking at an October surgery date if I do get it done now. Thanks.
   — catleth

August 19, 2004
I had my tt at 9 months but I was also only 10 pounds away from my goal. That should be the determining factor for when you have the tt. If your within 20 pounds of goal, have it done. If not, then wait - you'll appreciate the results.
   — Patty H.

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