My Liver Enzymes are elevated ALT and AST in 230 and 240's???

I saw in the library that elevated liver enzymes seems to be commonpalce-I have been having really severe pain over the past couple months and have taken aleve and Excedrin both for headaches and pain-I have been ahving severe back pain and stomach cramping usually 30-45 mins after eating certain foods (one time cookie other time pasta) I think they may be due to gallbladder but not sure-My enzymes were slightly elevated four weeks ago and this last week I was retested and they were now in the 200 rangs-What is going on? Should I be concerned? I am scheduled for an ultrasound of gallbladder and liver tomorrow and see the GI doctor on June 8th-Could this be my gallbladder or something more serious??? 14 mos -158lbs down-Thanks Tori    — TotallyTori (posted on May 27, 2004)

May 27, 2004
Tori...Do you take any medicines routinely? Lots of medicines can cause liver problems. Take a list of all your medicines to MD appointment. Gallbladder could be the problem. Do you work with any chemicals? That would be another possibility.Good luck.
   — dianne E.

May 27, 2004
You shouldn't be taking either Aleve or regular Excedrin as excedrin contains aspirin which isn't good for our pouches and Aleve is an Nsaid - it contains naproxen sodium which is a no-no for RNY'ers. I don't know if those could be causing you liver problems or not - you might want to check with your surgeon on that. It does sound like it could be your gallbladder although I didn't have stomach cramping with mine - I had pain and nausea but the symptoms can vary from person to person. Good Luck - let us know what you find out.
   — Carolyn M.

May 28, 2004
If they rule out gallbladder and liver issues that are serious, you might try milk thistle as part of your daily supplements. Milk thistle has positive benefits for the liver and will lower enzymes in most cases. Last year I had to take diflucan and sporanox for a horrid yeast infection that was throughout my system. My enzymes got to over 700 and doing milk thistle 3 times a day (actually prescribed by my MD who looks at alternative meds) did indeed bring my numbers back to normal. I suspect that if your gallbladder is at issue this could be related to that. Good luck. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

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