If any houstonians have a good plastic surgeon please let me know.

I am looking for a PS in the Houston area. Especially interested in one that does the new "body lift' Thanks!    — Cindee A. (posted on March 14, 2004)

March 14, 2004
A friend of mine used Dr. Camille Cash. She gives discounts to wls patients. Tell her one of Kimberly Taylor's support group members referred you and I believe she will give you a free consultation. Not for sure. Good Luck,
   — Carolyn B.

March 15, 2004
Cindee, Here are the links to a very active member of the message board who is from the Houston area. She recently had PS, and sings the praises of her plastic surgeon: Wongsa's Angel - Houston, TX (Kary W) (One of my favorite inspirations!) Profile: Links to her latest posts/replies: Here's a link to her before & after Plastic Surgery pics: Good luck to you! Audra, Open RNY 8-7-03. 5'6"/248/160/140
   — jellybean0605

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