Not sure about breast reduction or rude surgeon comment???

Hello All-Well I'm 1 year post op as of march 6 04-Today I went to see the plastic surgeon after sitting there for almost 2 hours I met with him for all of ten minutes-I was told to wait for the tummy tuck until I am at the weight I want to be-I would like to lose another 70lbs so I will be holding off on that-However I am in dire need of a breast reduction and lift I am currently a 40-42DDD I used to be a 48DDD-I've lost 143lbs with 70 more to go. The doctor scared me a little because he said that the insurance company might want to take me down to a lesser cup -something more like a B -I was HORRIFIED-I would look absolutely ridiculous wearing a B cup-I would think a full C/D would be perfect for me-He also said that he would like to do an anchor incision to keep the sensation in my nipples as well as for future breast feeding when and if I have children, which was okay with me, but told me that due to the large amount of tissue he could not be fully certain if an anchor incision is a 100 % possible. Which scares me to lose sensation in my nipples. In addition, I am a brownskin Black/Indian woman and he said my nippes would be discolored to pale pink for about 6 months before the colore returned-Is this normal??? Lastly he made a comment about possibly having to battle with the insurance company so that they don;t take away too much of my breasts-He told me my choices were to of course appeal,get a lawyer and fight them but had a client who went through that and it was rather embarassing with the all the doctors or something, pay out of pocket which I can;t afford to because I am a college 23 yr old college student, or to "give them some black girl attitude" and fight them this way-I was really pissed off and offended by the comment but did not say anything and just got dressed-Should I have said something-should I write a letter or just try and find another plastic surgeon-I believe he is with a group that is one of the bests-so I don;t really know what to do-Should I try and see another doctor in the practice -After hearing everyhting about losing nipple sensation all together and discoloration and being a b-cup and looking retarted-I'm ready to just deal with my saggy girls the way that they are-Sad and Confused in Pa Tori    — TotallyTori (posted on March 11, 2004)

March 11, 2004
This is just to comment on the RUDE comment the doctor made. I would be beyond pissed! I would have probably been like you at the time, too shocked to believe that he would say something like that, to respond at that time. I would suggest going over his head (everybody has a boss somewhere) and letting them know what he said. If you choose to see someone else in that group, be sure to let them know what he said. It may not get anything done but at least you would have told someone and not let him get away with this. As a Black female that lives in a majority white, backwards, small town, I can sympathize with you on this. No matter how many times you hear some offhanded, stupid remark, it still catches you off guard. And for your breast reduction... good luck!

March 11, 2004
I was 22 when I had to have a breast reduction. I have a disease that causes boils under the breasts and in other very private areas. at the time of my surgery which was 13 years ago I was told that the ins. company required that 'x" amount of tissue be removed.. that along with how the surgeon had to removed the disease tissue left me looking just down right stupid. I went from squeezing into a 38DD to barely an "A" cup...(I really should have been wearing a E cup or even F cup but before the impants became main stream those size bra's were special ordered and freaken expensive as hell and with 3 little ones I couldn't afford to spend 100.00 on special made bra) and now if I didn't have nipples you wouldn't know I had breasts at all.. as for the sensation in the nipples.. for the first 6 months I had none. now they are fine.. infact a little "too" sensitive. (it's a mental thing knowing that they were removed from my body then re-attached) I am considering have "reconstructive surgery" to make me look normal. I only have 17 lbs to "my" goal of 135. but if "i" were you I would wait to get closer to goal. I know your "girls" are bothersome, but you'll have a better idea of what you'll look like once your even 50'lbs less. plus with 50lbs you might have more of the under arm skin/fat pocket and they can reconstruct that too... (lord I do, from being so big.. I have more fat under my armpit than I do in my breasts) geeze I make myself sound like a horrible beast of a human huh?... LOL good luck on what ever you choose and by all means seek out another surgeon for another opion if nothing else.. and as for his insensitive comment? does he even KNOW how insenstive he was being??? some people don't have a clue.. they arn't trying to be rude or insenstive, infact he may have thought he was being funny.. Sad theresa
   — theresa D.

March 11, 2004
Oh sweetie I am sorry he was rude. I had a BR in 2001, I had what they call a full nipple graph, where they take it off and place it back after they reduce the breast, I have full sensation :-) Anyways there is a great place for you to get more information I have been a member for 3 years and the women are great. I am now one of the staff for the tummy tuck board, there is all kinds of BR info and even a special board for women of color. Come join us for some great info and support. (((HUGS)))
   — Stephanie B.

March 11, 2004
It was a rude comment to make. If that was my FIRST visit with him, I wouldn't use him. With your first visit, you should be spending quite a bit of time with the doctor and go over your concerns and what he feels he can do for you. I was at my PS's office for almost 2 hours on my first visit. It's also unprofessional to keep someone waiting for 2 hours but emergencies do happen. However, if there was no emergency an apology should have been in order and he should have spent a LOT more time then 10 minutes with you. I would be concerned with this lack of time and that you didn't "click" with him. I would look for another plastic surgeon. You really should interview several until you find someone that you really like who will do the best work on you. Also, he is right about getting closer to your goal weight before having the abdominoplasty or any other work. If you still have 70 pounds to lose, you might not require a reduction of the breasts. You might just require a lift. I had 40 DD before RNY. It wasn't until I got about 25 pounds from my goal weight that my boobs deflated BIG time and went south. I now wear a 36 D but most of it is skin. If I have a lift, I would go down to a 36C easily.
   — Patty H.

March 11, 2004
Find another plastic surgeon. IMO, there's no excuse for his rudeness and ignorance. I think you should interview at least 3 PS' anyway, before chosing the one you feel the most comfortable with...they all have different ways of doing things. As for going down to an A or B cup, that's ridiculous, if it's not what you want. He may have "meant" that that size would meet the insurance cos. requirement for tissue removal, but I don't like the way he said it. My first consult with a PS was similar to yours, and he came so highly recommended by a me, he was a total jerk! Go elsewhere, and you'll be much happier! Good luck!
   — Leslie F.

March 11, 2004
Hi...I agree with Leslie - find another PS. I had a BR last May...the first PS I saw horrified me..A little history...before WLS in Aug. of 2001, I was a 46II, and after losing the weight, I was in a 36G. This first doctor told me that because of the weightloss and the fact that I didn't have alot of fat/breast tissue, that I'd barely end up a B cup, that he couldn't give a good shape and they would probably be uneven because of the same reason, and that the full nipple graft (FNG) would be a must. Scared the living daylights out of me. So I got another referral to a different PS, told him what the other doctor said, and he told me the complete opposite. This other PS COULD (and did) make me the C that I wanted, he COULD (and did) give me a beautiful shape, and he DID NOT have to do a FNG. I have sensation in both nipples, although the right is diminished, but it's not a bother. I can still breastfeed also. I have the anchor incision and it's not bad. It gives you the best results. Don't stop with one doctor..see at least 3..Also, the website that Stephanie mentioned is EXCELLENT. It's where I did all my research on the BR surgery and the women there are wonderful. Good luck, go and find a doctor that will give you what YOU want..Denise 316/156
   — lily1968

March 12, 2004
His "black girl attitude" comment was certainly out of line and very unprofessional. However, your comment about looking "retarded" with small breasts doesn't give you much room to complain. Sorry to sound off on that, but you'll increase your credibility by increasing your vocabulary. Now that I've totally turned you off of what I really have to say . . . DO get more opinions. It's too important to not feel totally confident on your surgeon and "settle" (pun not intended) for something less. You're too young and have already done so much to help yourself to live your whole life being ashamed about another part of your body. You'll regret it every single day. Good luck!
   — Steve R.

March 12, 2004
WHat is a Black girl attitude, What a racist, yeah that right racist idiot..... He knew exactly what he was saying... How would he like it if you called him a quack.... As for retarded, again what is retarded??? Words has no room in this conversation about Breast..... However I had breast reduction before losing weight(big mistake but still happy)and I'm a 34b from a 42DD. But you know what it look pretty good with my size..My surgeon was very good that other nurses and doctor tell me what a wondeful job he did. I have great sensation in both breast and you know what's funny I did't have any sensation before surgery...Not something that turned me on.. but now the slightest touch send me in orbit... Anyway, find another surgeon, drop that nut and for those who thinks we are too sensitive when it comes to racist remakes amagine how it felt when we overweight people are always refer to as "Lazy fat slobs"... IT HURTS cause it's not true for 99.9999999% of us. Good luck
   — Rebe W.

March 12, 2004
Yes he shouldn't have said that. But we all say things we don't think about, such as your comment about looking retarded. So don't blanket assume he is a racist. You can't judge a person by something like that. Would you want to be judged on every little thing you ever did or said that maybe didn't come out right, such as you did just there. Should I label you as something due to your insensitivity about people who have a mental condition they were born with? Just something to think on. People say stupid things sometimes, but don't always mean to hurt. That said, yes talk to more doctors!! Get more opinions. Read on this site, based on collective opinion/advice you'll see what shakes out as common occurences.
   — Calleigh Q.

March 12, 2004
The Drs. comment was not only rude, it was disrespectful and to some extent racist. I don't expect some people to understand that fact since stereotypes about black women are accepted as truth just as much if not more than those about "fat people." I suggest you report his comment to your insurance company as well as make a complaint with his superiors. I also suggest that you definitely find another Dr. As an African American women you have skin concerns that many Drs. don't know how to deal with. There ARE differences in ethnicities that can make a difference in the results you end up with. Do as much research as possible and make sure you ask plenty of questions. A book that might help in your research is called, "Everything Women of Color Should Know About Cosmetic Surgery" by Jan R. Adams. The book is very informative. Good luck in your search.
   — Niobe

March 12, 2004
Original Poster Here-First to those on the retarted comment-this is what the surgeon said I would look like with a B cup not my impression on how I would look-I agree that I don;t think a B cup would fit my figure but it was the surgeons comment that said a B cup would just look retarted on me Thank You-If I confused some people -Keep The Posts coming
   — TotallyTori

March 12, 2004
Victoria, I am in the medical field & feel your situation is resolvable - GET ANOTHER DOCTOR! You should always work with someone & not give them control of you! A lot of people feel that they have to surrender to a doctor's opinion like they are a god -WRONG! - they are human beings some being good and some being horrific - if I have a bad feeling with a doctor, he/she won't touch me! I don't know a "black girl attitude is" but I do know that as a human I have a choice!
   — Anna M.

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