Is there a place for a meal plan for plateaus?

I am stuck at 174 right now and have been for about a month. I am trying not to get discouraged but it is hard not to. Is there a place where there is a meal plan to go by that would get my weight loss kicked back in? And has anyone done Weight Watchers after their surgery? I was thinking about doing that at home since I have all of the stuff. I am sooooo scared that this is it, that this is all I am going to lose. Any advice would be great! Thanks!    — dixieb (posted on October 29, 2003)

October 29, 2003
How many carbohydrates are you eating? In my case, not loosing weight is related to too many carbohydrates. To lose weight you need to eat less than 20g. You can also look at in terms of percentage of total calories. Your percentage of total calories for protein vs carbohydrates should be higher. Let me know how it goes.
   — earana

October 29, 2003
I'm still a preop but have seen this questioned answered many times by those in the know. The first thing they always say is to review what you are eating and make sure you are following the basic pouch rules of protein first and getting in your water. Good luck and hope the scale moves for you soon!
   — BellaMoon

October 29, 2003
You might try this plateau busting plan. Good luck to you!
   — TMF

October 29, 2003
Dottie, I don't really have any 'advice' per se, but I just wanted to tell you to hang in there, and keep on keeping on! We started close to the same weight, and had surgery only a few weeks apart - and I have been up and down and all around for the past month, or so now. It's so frustrating isn't it!? I've even been known to answer this type of question, in the past, with the words: protein, water, and's just so much harder to hear when it's me who's stuck! But you know does seem to work....that and a little patience....which I seem to run low on when it comes to this kind of thing. Anyway, good luck to you...I hope the scale moves soon!
   — eaamc

October 30, 2003
Try the Atkins diet. I hear that a lot of people tend to do well with this diet after WLS. Good luck!
   — onepowerfullady

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