I am almost 6 weeks post-op and I am going nuts itching everywhere, any ideas ......

why or what can be done to relieve some of it? I use lotion but that dosnt seem to work.    — Reeda (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 12, 2003
Could you be having an allergic reaction to any medications. Post-op our bodies absorb medicine different than pre-op, plus, it is just a whole new ballgame. If it is a possibility, try some benedryl. If it is allergy related, that should give you temporary relief until you find out what it is.
   — Denise B.

October 12, 2003
Honey- I hear you. I went NUTS with the same thing. Goodness, I itch now, just thinking about it. Here's some things that worked for me. First- get a good hypo-allergenic lotion like Keri or Nutrogena. No fragrances or 'fancy' stuff. Make sure you use the lotion once or twice a day- have somebody help you with the 'hard parts' if possible. (they always seem to be the places that itch most!) Other things you can do- get Gold Bond medicated anti itch cream- a real life saver for itchy spots (don't use powder- it will make your skin dry), take a milk bath in warm (not too hot) water for a few minutes (don't soak too long, or your skin will get drier)Take an antihistamine if your doctor will let you. (be SURE to speak with Dr. first) In a few weeks you should feel better. It turned out for me that I was slightly allergic to my pain med. It could be something you are taking or a residual effect of something you took in the past. Hang in there- it will get better soon if it's from something in the past. If it doesn't get a bit better soon - continue talking to your Dr. and seee if you can figure out what is causing it. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!

October 13, 2003
Sweetie, I had the exact same problem, itched like crazy! I was having a reaction to the meds. Makes me crazy now thinking about it. It felt terrible! But my doc told me to use Benedryl, worked great! But ask your surgeon to make sure he/she says it is ok. I am not a doctor or play one on TV so you should double check. Hang in there, it will feel better soon!
   — tpalmer

October 13, 2003
I have the same problem and I am 9 mos out. The only thing that controls it for me is an daily Zyrtec. I went through extensive testing with an Allergist when this started at about 3 months out and she was unable to determine what was causing the itching and rashes. As I said the Zyrtec was the only thing that I tried that could control the itching. Good luck!
   — sherry H.

October 13, 2003
My nutritionist is working with me on this issue - came up about 2 months ago (I'm 14 months out now) and we've kind of come to the conclusion that I'm lacking essential fatty acids (oil) in my diet. I am now adding them - if you want to know if it worked, drop me an email in a couple of months lol.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 14, 2003
I had the same thing happen after all my surgeries, 2 c sections a hysterectomy and the gastric bypass....My surgeon suggested Benedryl...helps me sleep too....personally I think it has something to do with the anesthesia from surgery.
   — nani68

October 14, 2003
OH, MAN! I itched so badly I wanted to peel off my skin. I was completely rescued by hydrocortisone ointment (1%) and Aquaphor ointment (by the makers of Eucerin). The hydrocortisone completely stopped the itch and the Aquaphor kept my skin moist all day long. That combo is the only thing I tried that truly worked for me. The itching didn't last long at all so hang in there. I'm 7 weeks out now and itch free.
   — jenpatalano

October 15, 2003
The same thing happened to me - my doctor said to up my water, I did and within 2 days - I had no more itching. You body needs more fluid and will pull it out of your skin. Hope it works
   — tara821

October 15, 2003
This is very very common. It is also a short term side effect. It is more annoying than anything esle and isn't a dangerous side effect. Drink a lot of fluids to minimize itching, but I don't think there is anything you can do to make it totally go away. In time, it will completely dissapear. Don't worry.
   — Melissa C.

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