I, too, have lipoedema(?sp) (lymphedema). My feet and legs are severely swollen and

it has moved up to the lower part of my belly. Does that make us more prone to blood clots? Will it go away after I lose weight?    — justaboutkrazy (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 6, 2003
Lymphedema does impair circulation, so you doc will want to have you use foot pumps, if not leg pumps. The best thing you can do for yourself is to flex your feet alot while you are in bed and walk as much as you can. As for it going away, I had severe lymphedema, which has faded to moderate edema in the calf of my right leg and mild swelling in my left leg. Because of the history of cellulitis in my right leg, I doubt it will ever completely disappear, but I have high hopes for my left leg. Being able to be more active really helps...good luck to you!
   — merri B.

July 6, 2003
I have severe lymphadema in both legs. it has gone down but everything I have read states that it will never go away completely. I still use a pump. but they are less swollen than before.
   — snicklefritz

July 7, 2003
I also have severe lymphedema in both legs and fluid in my arms and abdomen. I had open RNY 3 months ago. Loosing weight won't cure lymphedema but it will help to control the fluid build-up. Please make sure your getting treatment for the lymphedema...pump, massage, compression wrapping, garments...something needs to move the fluid out since the lymphs nodes can't. Best wishes.
   — Sarahlicious

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