I have no appetite is this halting my weight loss... Some days I can eat

and other days nothing all day except a bowl of chili and a popsicle, some water and crystal lite throughout the day and then that may be it, don't even want protein shakes. I also am a little over 3 mos post-op and still have no energy and am not exrcising because I feel so drained and dehydrated, some days I get in my water and was doing really good but lately I have not been-I don't know what to do-I am still taking my vites could that be the reason I'm sluggish taking the vites and then barely eating. I don;t know I need some motivation o eat and exercise-I know I'm sill losing weight because my jeans are getting looser but I know I could be losing more I have a gym membership and Bally's is only 6 blocks away-Please Help-Anyone been in my shoes and what do you do???? I want to make the best of my window    — TotallyTori (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 24, 2003
Sounds like you're not getting enough protein. Gotta throw motivation out the window and like the nike commercial says "just do it" whether you feel like it or not. You're going to stay sluggish until you get something in you that gives you energy. My surgeon says 60-70 grams of protein per day.
   — Cathy S.

June 24, 2003 a normal world with a normal do you think someone else would feel if they didn't eat? Low energy? Eat girl! I am 2 years post, at goal and eat a little something every even hour (8 am, 10am, noon etc.) hungry or not. I usually stop around 6 or 8.
   — Kimberly L.

June 24, 2003
Here are some easy things to keep around, and like the other poster said, try to eat every two hours or so...I keep: string cheese/cheese sticks, jerky, nuts, protein bars (Zone or Protein Plus), microwave popcorn, Diet Snapple (peach is my fave!), Peanut butter....I agree, you need to eat more protein! Hope you feel better soon. Does Bally's have a pool? Try walking back and forth, that is good, non-impact exercise or sign up for a water aerobics class and work at your own pace.
   — missmollyk

June 24, 2003
Re-read your question. You've answered it. You seem to know what you are doing wrong. You know what you need to do and as the Nike commercial says, "Just Do It". Good luck.
   — TLLessor

June 24, 2003
Victoria- Certainly you could be feeling down b/c of not enough protein and calories, or you could be feeling out-of-sorts b/c you've lost a coping mechanism. Consider that there could be an emotional reason for why you are feeling sluggish. I hit that kind of a wall and it was strange to feel happy that I was losing but kind of sad that I had lost a long-time friend (that would be my mistress and companion food). A few things helped: (1) increased the protein to give me physically more energy, (2) started having 4 oz. of OJ every morning to start the day with a small sugar boost and (3) reached out to others in my local support group to find out how they were dealing with everything. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

June 25, 2003
Victoria, part of the reason you feel so tired is that you are dehydrated and until you boost your water intake, and your protein intake, you will continue to feel too tired to do much, which includes exercising. Do what I do, carry a water bottle with you EVERYWHERE. Mine comes in a canvas carrying case with strap and attends all business meetings with me, travels in the car, etc. Sip, sip, sip- all day long. Food is fuel to the body so that it can burn calories and get the engines stoked. Without food, organs slow down and without water, well, you know how it feels. Eat something every few hours whether you want it or not and sip that water all day long. Once you get into the groove, you'll start feeling much better, and your weight loss will pick up too!
   — Cindy R.

June 25, 2003
Hi Victoria -- I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I have experienced the same thing. The answer is to eat even when you don't want to... I know easier said than done. My doctor's office suggested that I eat fruit (bananas, apples) with peanut butter. At the time the only thing that I could imagine eating was fruit but the peanut butter wasn't too bad. After a couple of days of eating on a regular schedule things started getting easier. Now I actually have an appetite and am wanting much more of a variety of food than before. I feel much better already. By the way, I am about 4 months out. Just keep trying to eat every 2 to 3 hours even if it is a few bites. I promise it will get better!! One thing that really motivated me was that I had gotten to where it would hurt really bad any time I would try to eat or drink anything. After going to the doc and specialist they found out that my stomach started to close. They ended up going in with a scope and stretching it back open. Also, my weightloss came to a complete halt. Now that I am eating again, my weightloss have picked back up. Anyway, I hope this helps a little. I know how completely frustrating it can be and it seems that unless you have experienced this. Good luck and keep me posted...
   — dl_roark

June 25, 2003
I was in a very similiar position. I still have to force myself to eat. But once I do I feel so much better. I still get nauseated when I eat but I know that a few minutes into it I will be fine. Just give it time. Also when I first started excercise I was tired all the time. I started off at about 15 minutes at the gym a day and I am now up to an hour and 1/2.
   — Jennifer M.

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