10 weeks out-Doc wants to put me on Vasotec, I don't want to take it

My doctor found protein in my urine and wants to put me on a low dose of vasotech-she said she thinks it could be slight scarring since I'm diabetic, but I've only been for a few years and I'm 22-with good control of my sugars so she thinks I may have been diabetic in highschool, and not known. I don't have HBP, have been off my diabetes meds since the day I came home from surgery, and I really don't want to take Vasotec, I ordered an herbal supplement that you take for 2 weeks called kidney flush to flush them and help improve kidney function you do this once a month and I am going to up my water to 120 oz of day, currently getting 56-64oz-Do you think it's ok to try the kidney flush until she tests my protein again,never had a problem with protein in the urine and I beleive in natural meds first before being thrown on a prescription-I also am not doing the protein shakes anymore just going to get my protein from food, as I know too much protein can overwork the kidneys, she does not want me to see a specialist,but wants to put me on meds-Seems strange? Do you guys think I'm doing the right thing, is my PCP overreacting with the Vasotech, my protein was 23 she said should be between 0-17? Sorry this is so long, I'm just not very favorable of prescrips if I can natural methods???Thanks in advance for your responses-Love you guys-10wks,4 days-52lbs...Tori    — TotallyTori (posted on May 24, 2003)

May 24, 2003
I think that you shouldnt screw around with anything herbal given that just 10 weeks ago you rearranged your intestines and stomach. With the new configuration of your organs your surgeon knows how to handle any situation that should arise and knows what if any prescriptions you will need to take. We are talking about your bariatric surgeon arent we? You say your PCP... hmmmm... your blood tests should be read by the bariatric surgeon. I dont take ANY prescriptions unless I run it by my surgeons office as my PCP is totally clueless to gastric specific problems and what meds are safe for me. Have a copy of your test results sent to your bariatric surgeon and ask them about the protein in your urine and see what he or she says. ciao Suze
   — SusanMaria

May 24, 2003
Tori, It's your body and ultimately you are in charge of it. I think you are on the right track in wanting to treat this with natural methods first. If that doesn't work, you can take the prescription meds next time. I also feel some doctors are into "overmedicating" and treating the symptoms rather than the cause. Ultimately, you have to go with what YOU feel is right for YOU. Best wishes.
   — artistmama

May 24, 2003
Yeah I mean my primary care doc, the one who also told me I should be eating 12oo cals at about 2 months post-op, I didn't think to run it by my surgeon.And I've been taking an herbal laxative for constipation and those herbs haven't seemed to bother me-but keep the posts coming-Thanks
   — TotallyTori

May 24, 2003
Your PCP and surgeon do not communicate? I am pre-op. But my PCP & surgeon confer. I cannot imagine how the process could/would work properly any other way. It would be .. as they say .. Your right hand not knowing what your left hand is doing. I would ask my Drs to conference on the matter. And together decide what is best for you considering your health needs.
   — Sarah H.

May 24, 2003
Get thee to a nephrologist! As one who suffers from End Stage Renal Disease, I believe that you have two factors which lead to kidney failure. Insist on seeing a kidney specialist ASAP. If your PCP won't/can't recommend one, ask your surgeon or call the local office of the National Kidney Foundation. HBP and diabetes take a long time to kill your kidneys start now to prevent that.
   — Janis D.

May 24, 2003
Get thee to a nephrologist! As one who suffers from End Stage Renal Disease, I believe that you have two factors which lead to kidney failure. Insist on seeing a kidney specialist ASAP. If your PCP won't/can't recommend one, ask your surgeon or call the local office of the National Kidney Foundation. HBP and diabetes take a long time to kill your kidneys start now to prevent that.
   — Janis D.

May 25, 2003
I don't even have high blood pressure
   — TotallyTori

May 25, 2003
Please do not take medical advice from a message board. I agree that if you are uneasy (which is usually a good warning) please insist on being referred to a specialist. Do not try to medicate yourself. Surgery is very serious and not to be experimented with. This goes for all of us, do not give or take medical advice. Offer support, share your relavant experiences.
   — faybay

May 25, 2003
Tori, as a RN and a renal patient myself I have to agree with GET TO A NEPHROLOGIST!!! Don't mess around with protein in your urine! The other thing that comes to mind is that if the doctor you saw is your PCP and you don't feel comfortable following her suggestions, may be you need to find a PCP that you are more comfortable with. Vasotec is a blood pressure medication, but many blood pressure meds have other uses. I take a blood pressure medication that is only to protect the kidney function I now have. It is so important for us to be able to trust our doctors. I am not saying to blindly follow what ever any doctor says but you need to have an open relationship with them where you can discuss your care. I wish you the best of luck and pray that there is no significant problem with your kidneys. God Bless. <><
   — garnet156

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